'Jung's Studies in Astrology' and 'The Astrological World of Jung's Liber Novus' (2 Volume Set)
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2018
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 520
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 93384
- ISBN 13 : 9780815384779
- ISBN 10 : 0815384777
Also by Liz Greene
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Jung's Studies in Astrology is an historical survey of his astrological work from the time he began to study the subject. It is based not only on his published writings, but also on the correspondence and documents found in his private archives, many of which have never previously seen the light of day. Liz Greene addresses with thoroughness and detailed scholarship the nature of Jung's involvement with astrology: the ancient, medieval, and modern sources he drew on, the individuals from whom he learned, his ideas about how and why it worked, its religious and philosophical implications, and its applications in the treatment of his patients as well as in his own self-understanding. Greene clearly demonstrates that any serious effort to understand the development of Jung's psychological theories, as well as the nature of his world-view, needs to involve a thorough exploration of his astrological work.
In The Astrological World of Jung's 'Liber Novus', Liz Greene explores the planetary journey Jung portrayed in this remarkable work and investigates the ways in which he used astrological images and themes as an interpretive lens to help him understand the nature of his visions and the deeper psychological meaning behind them. Greene's analysis includes a number of mythic and archetypal elements, including the stories of Salome, Siegfried and Elijah, and demonstrates that astrology, as Jung understood and worked with it, is unquestionably one of the most important foundation stones of analytical psychology, and an essential part of understanding his legacy.
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