Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2011
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Addictions - Catalogue No : 29645
- ISBN 13 : 9781855758513
- ISBN 10 : 1855758512
Also by Kareen R. Malone
Also by Yael Goldman Baldwin
Also by Thomas Svolos
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis
Price £35.99
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With chapters from Rik Loose, Fabian Naparstek, Patricia Gherovici, Bruce Fink, Thomos Svolos and many others, the anthology is for people interested in the topic of addictions, or in Lacanian psychoanalysis, and especially for those interested in how the two intersect. Lacan and Addiction is based on papers presented at a 2006 conference where Lacanians from around the world gathered to speak about addictions. Conference participants explored the complexity of the problem for the individual, society, clinicians, and for treatment. In the current climate, where addiction is mostly treated by variations of twelve step approaches and psychopharmacological "countermeasures", it is all too easy to lose sight of the dimensions of addiction that render it not just a disease to be managed but rather a significant form of human suffering and a subjective responsibility, both of which are critical components of addiction treatment. More and more, addiction treatment is turning away from psychological and psychoanalytic theorization and towards psychopharmacological measures; this anthology attempts to rectify that situation.
Reviews and Endorsements
'For those for whom Lacan is a purely philosophical writer (and an obscure one at that) this exciting collection will be a revelation. The relation it establishes between abstract Lacanian concepts and concrete clinical life-problems (in this case addiction) enhances our understanding in both directions and gives a vivid sense of Lacan's thought as a diagnostic instrument.'
- Fredric Jameson, Duke University, USA
'This collection of essays by leading Lacanian psychoanalysts and clinicians brings new insight to the understanding and treatment of addiction. The articles here do not only show how fixation, addiction, and substance abuse are to be explained. They also explore, in what is new terrain for psychoanalysts, the increasingly apparent links that eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia have with other forms of addiction. Very relevant to clinicians, these stimulating and provocative essays also have the added interest of addressing the social and cultural place of addiction in contemporary society.'
- Russell Grigg, Deakin University, Australia
'This carefully prepared compilation is an excellent reference text for clinicians interested in approaching the Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective regarding the treatment of those complaining of "addictions". Unlike other clinical perspectives that treat anyone and everyone with so-called addictions in the same way, the Lacanian approach emphasizes the singularity of each and every speaking being in the way in which the subject may be troubled by their use of some substance. The authors are able to demonstrate, from different angles, how the relationship of a subject with an object (be it drugs, alcohol, or others) may lead to what is called addiction in the mental health field today. It is on the basis of the subject's unique relationship with the substance that a psychoanalytic treatment may develop, as we see demonstrated in the numerous clinical cases and vignettes in this collection.'
- Alicia Arenas, member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
About the Editor(s)
Yael Baldwin is a psychologist, associate professor of psychology, and chair of social sciences at Mars Hill University, North Carolina. She is a member of the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups, a co-editor of Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology, and the author of various anthology chapters and articles on Lacan.
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Kareen Malone is a member of Après-Coup in New York City. She is professor of psychology at the University of West Georgia and director of the Doctoral Program. A fellow of the American Psychological Association, Professor Malone has co-edited two volumes on Lacanian Psychoanalysis. She trained with Groupe Interdisciplinaire Freudienne pour Recherches et d'Interventions Clinique et Culturelles. She is author and co-author of numerous articles on Lacanian psychoanalysis and critical psychology. She is 2010 President of Division 24 of the American Psychological Association.
More titles by Kareen R. Malone
Thomas Svolos is a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, and a Member of the New Lacanian School and the World Association of Psychoanalysis. He practices in Omaha, Nebraska, where he also serves as Professor and Chair of Psychiatry at the Creighton University School of Medicine.
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