Lacanian Ink 48: Humpty Dumpty

Editor : Josefina Ayerza

Lacanian Ink 48: Humpty Dumpty

Book Details

Also by Josefina Ayerza

Lacanian Ink 49: Parlêtre

Lacanian Ink 49: Parlêtre

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Josefina Ayerza - To Resume Again…

A Family Paranoia - The Conversation

Carol Dewambrechies-La Sagna - At the Author’s Expense

Jacques-Alain Miller - When the Semblants Vacillate

Pierre-Gilles Guéguen - The Manipulation of the Imaginary in a Homosexual Couple

Jacques-Alain Miller - Ex-sistence

Shariar Vaghfipour - To a Hysteric Beloved

Adrian Dannat - Zuihitsu: Middle East & Global South

Josefina Ayerza - Rebecca H. Quaytman

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