Lacanian Psychoanalysis between the Child and the Other

Author(s) : Liora Stavchansky

Lacanian Psychoanalysis between the Child and the Other

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Lacanian Psychoanalysis between the Child and the Other explores what topology can contribute to clinical work with children, emphasizing that psychoanalytic listening goes beyond the individuals who attend a session. This kind of listening does not seek for what is hidden inside, rather it seeks to create a continuous topological transformation, with topology regarded as the most sophisticated way in which structure, structuring and playing can be thought. Using Lacan's theoretical framework, the book provides a new perspective on working with children, re-examining fundamental Lacanian concepts such as structure, subject, lack, Other, clinic and, of course, child itself. It charts how time and space are knitted together for children in psychoanalysis, and how a Lacanian approach can enable clinical practitioners and researchers to venture into cultures of childhood, helping them conceptualise and intervene in the process of knitting and unknotting. The book will be of interest to psychoanalytic child clinicians in practice and training, as well as researchers in the field of child psychoanalysis.

About the Author(s)

Liora Stavchansky is a psychoanalyst and a master in psychoanalytic theory from the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Psicoanalíticos (CIEP). She has a Masters Degree in Children´s Literature Studies at the University of Warwick. England, and holds a PhD in Psychoanalysis from the Colegio de Psicoanálisis Lacaniano in México. Her practice is divided between the psychoanalytic clinic and teaching at several universities and institutions. She was a member of Red Analítica Lacaniana (REAL), and belongs to the Escuela de la Letra Psicoanalítica (ESLEP). She has published Tejiendo la clínica: entre el niño y el Otro, Los niños y la literatura infantil, Bordes de lo infantil, Reinventar el psicoanálisis (with Luciano Lutereau), Autismo y cuerpo: El lenguaje en los trazos de la perfección, and Infancias: entre espectros y trastornos (with Gisela Untoiglich).

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