Law, Psychoanalysis, Society: Taking the Unconscious Seriously

Author(s) : Maria Aristodemou

Law, Psychoanalysis, Society: Taking the Unconscious Seriously

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : June 2015
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 190
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97982
  • ISBN 13 : 9781138787261
  • ISBN 10 : 1138787264
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'I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth' we say in a court of law. 'In a court of law, the truth is precisely what we will not say', says Lacan. ‘If God is dead, everything is permitted’, writes Dostoyevsky. ‘If God is dead, everything is prohibited’, responds Lacan. ‘I think, therefore I am’, reasons Descartes. ‘I am where I do not think’, concludes Lacan. What are we to make of Lacan’s inversions of these mottos? And what are the implications for the legal system if we take them seriously? This book puts the legal subject on the couch and explores the incestuous relationship between law and desire, enjoyment and transgression, freedom and subjection, ethics and atheism. The process of analysis problematizes fundamental tenets of the legal system, leading the patient to rethink long-held beliefs: terms like ‘guilt’ and ‘innocence’, ‘truth’ and ‘lies’, ‘reason’ and ‘reality’, ‘freedom’ and ‘responsibility’, ‘cause’ and ‘punishment’, acquire new and surprising meanings. By the end of these sessions, the patient is left wondering, along with Freud her analyst, whether ‘it is not psychology that deserves the mockery but the procedure of judicial enquiry’.

A unique study on the nexus of Law and Psychoanalysis, this book will interest students and scholars of both subjects, as well as general readers looking to explore this perverse and fascinating relationship.

Reviews and Endorsements

Law, Psychoanalysis, Society invites the reader to be guided on an unconventional journey of legal analysis. On this journey, the law itself is the patient of psychoanalysis...After reading this book, legal scholars—academics and students—will continue thinking, throughout the course of the study and practice of law, about what it is that is hidden in law but staring us directly in the face.
Anastasia Tataryn, The Modern Law Review

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Unconscious is Out There

Part A: The Hole in the Subject
1. In the Beginning Was Lack
2. The Divided Subject: Freud
3. The Divided Subject: Lacan
4. Language, Truth and Lies
5. Demand Minus Need, The Hysteric and Her Master
6. The Bedrock of Sexual Difference

Part B: The Hole in The Big Other
7. The Hole in Reality: Ideology Without End
8. The One Who Enjoys
9. The Subject’s Love of the Law
10. Transgression Without End?
11. Guilt Before the Law
12. Enjoyment Minus Freedom
13. The Hole in the Law
14. The Hole in the Master

Part C: Placebos
15. In Place of the Object: Fantasy
16. The Subject and Her ‘Decaffeinated’ Neighbor
17. Work, Capitalism, Sex, Shopping (and shopping for sex)
18. Art, Culture, Poetry, Love
19. Nation, Community
20. Democracy, Bureaucracy

Part D: Atheism
21. Dethroning the Master
22. From Lack to the Act
23. Towards An Atheist Jurisprudence

About the Author(s)

Maria Aristodemou is Senior Lecturer in Law at Birkbeck College, University of London

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