Learning Through Child Observation: Third Edition

Book Details
- Publisher : Jessica Kingsley
- Published : 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 224
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 38939
- ISBN 13 : 9781849056472
- ISBN 10 : 1849056471
Also by Debbie Watson
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This fully updated third edition of Learning Through Child Observation is a handbook for professionals working in, or students preparing to work in, children's services. This accessible text examines the value of observation, its use in assessment and the practical aspects and methods of observational study. The authors focus on the importance of fully recognising the child's developmental and emotional state when intervening, and the need to see children 'holistically' and as unique individuals within the wider context of the family and community. This new edition reflects updates to policy and practice and further develops the critical perspective on contemporary thinking about childhood and observational methods. This edition has also expanded its focus to include observation of primary-aged children. A popular text, it will appeal to students and professionals in all children's services, whether in pre-school, schools, social care, mental health or health settings.
About the Author(s)
Mary Fawcett is an early years consultant and also an evaluator for 5x5x5=creativity, an arts-based research organisation focusing on the creative values, environments and relationships that support the expression of children's feelings, thoughts and ideas. She was formerly a social work lecturer and Director of Early Childhood Studies at the University of Bristol.
Dr Debbie Watson is a Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol. She is a qualified secondary school teacher and has a PhD in Education from the University of Exeter (1998). Her research interests focus on understanding and improving children’s wellbeing, particularly in school contexts; rights-based approaches to working with children and young people; diversity and children’s identities; educational inclusion; and supporting children and families in inclusive services. Her current and recent research projects include projects developing postgraduate training for children’s advocates in Egypt and Jordan, quality in family support provisions, services for young disadvantaged children and post adoption support. She has long held interests in theorising children’s experiences of diversity and in developing methodologies that enable children and young people’s participation in research.
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