Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2010
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 336
- Category :
Transactional Analysis - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 27778
- ISBN 13 : 9781855756625
- ISBN 10 : 1855756625
Also by Richard G. Erskine
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Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns is an exciting collection of contemporary writings on Life Script theory and psychotherapeutic methods. Each chapter describes an evolution of Eric Berne's original theory and brings together a stimulating range of international perspectives, theoretical positions, clinical experiences and psychotherapy practices, as well as a psychotherapy story that illustrates the theory. The concept of Life Scripts has frequently been associated with the determinism represented in theoretical scripts, yet, this book offers some new and diverse perspectives. A few contributors address the significance of early childhood experiences in forming a Life Script, while others reflect the perspectives of post-modernism, constructivism, existential philosophy, neuroscience, developmental research, mythology and the importance of narrative.
An illustrious group of authors has integrated a broad professional perspective into their understanding of a theory of mind, theories of personality and the methods of psychotherapy. Each chapter provides a unique theoretical perspective; some are provocative and challenge Berne's and others long held notions about Life Scripts. Every chapter includes a clinical case of an actual client that illustrates how the theory of Life Scripts is used in psychotherapy.
Reviews and Endorsements
James R. Allen, M.D. (USA), William F. Cornell, MA. (USA), Fanita English, MSW. (USA), Gloria Noriega Gayol, Ph.D. (Mexico), Helena Hargaden, Ph.D. (UK), Birgitta Heiller, Ph.D. (UK), Rosemary Napper, M.E. (UK), Marye O'Reilly-Knapp, Ph.D. (USA), Charlotte Sills, MA, MSc. (UK), Claude Steiner, Ph.D. (UK), Ian Stewart, Ph.D. (UK), Jo Stuthridge, M.Sc. (New Zealand), Maria Teresa Tosi, Ph.D. (Italy)
About the Editor(s)
Richard G. Erskine, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and licensed psychoanalyst. He is the Training Director of the Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy in New York City and conducts seminars, workshops and training programs in the United States and internationally. He is also a certified clinical transactional analyst and a licensed psychoanalyst who has specialized in psychoanalytic self-psychology and object-relations theory. Richard has developed Integrative Psychotherapy, a theory and set of methods that emphasizes affective, cognitive, behavioral and physiological integration. His books include Beyond Empathy: A Therapy of Contact-in-Relationship (with Jan Moursund and Rebecca Trautmann), Integrative Psychotherapy: The Art and Science of Relationship (with Jan Moursund), and Integrative Psychotherapy in Action.
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