Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 218
- Category :
Existential therapy - Catalogue No : 37530
- ISBN 13 : 9781782203605
- ISBN 10 : 1782203605
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This multi-author anthology is a short introduction to the world of existential psychotherapy, and specifically Existential Analysis. It gives concrete answers and demonstrates a way to apply this thinking in practice, providing outlines of its theoretical background, including Alfried Längle’s four fundamental motivations.
The mian themes of the book are: working with emotionality and subjective experience and its importance for a fulfilling life; meaning and happiness; and spirituality and temporality. It covers psychological disorders and their treatment in adults and children, and also deals with disability and handicap.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘The occasion for this book is really momentous, not merely because many of the book’s contributors are being exposed to the English-speaking world for the first time, but because of the vital messages that these contributors are conveying to that world. I have long hoped for a collection such as this to emerge. There is a wealth of therapeutic wisdom on the pages of this book and the editors do a fine job of collecting, reflecting upon, and organising it. I am delighted that the contemporary expression of existential analysis and logotherapy is at last available to the broader public.’
--Kirk Schneider, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, Saybrook University and Teachers College, Columbia University, and author of The Polarized Mind
‘In contrast to Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy, which has become internationally recognised through many books and articles, newer developments in 'existential analysis and logotherapy' out of these roots are not so well known in the Englishspeaking world due to the lack of English textbooks. Therefore, it is laudable to publish this volume and to share the important improvements to this approach with the English-speaking community. Therapists and counsellors will appreciate that the focus of this book is more on the application of existential analysis than on the theory.’
--Dr Jurgen Kriz, University of Osnabru¨ck, Germany
About the Editor(s)
Silvia Längle, PhD, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Vienna, a training therapist of the Austrian Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, and a Board Member of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. She has been Editor-in-chief of the journal Existenzanalyse since 1995. She studied theory of science and theoretical physics in Innsbruck, Munich and Vienna. Encountering V. E. Frankl aroused her interest in Existential Psychotherapy as a phenomenological practice, prompting her to reflect on its relationship to the theory of science, and then to undergo her own training as a therapist.
Christopher Wurm studied Medicine and German at the University of Adelaide, then trained as a Family Physician and studied Existential Psychotherapy in Vienna. In 2003 he was made a Foundation Fellow of the Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine. He has worked in Australia, England and Austria in clinical and teaching roles in Primary Care, Teaching Hospitals and Community Mental Health. He became Visiting Fellow, Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide in 2007. He is currently Senior Consultant, Drug and Alcohol Consultation Liaison Service, at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Sefton Park Primary and Ambulatory Care, as well as GP Psychotherapist and Addiction Physician in private practice at Pooraka, South Australia.
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