Lockdown Therapy: Jungian Perspectives on How the Pandemic Changed Psychoanalysis

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : October 2022
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 96878
- ISBN 13 : 9781032200156
- ISBN 10 : 9781032200
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This fascinating volume explores — from the perspective both of analysts and their patients—how the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and unexpectedly created profound and lasting changes in the ways psychoanalysis is conducted, and what those changes mean for analysis moving forward.
The first part of the book is made up of interviews conducted by Stefano Carpani with authoritative authors in analytical psychology during the earliest phase of lockdown, centered on themes of the pandemic, lockdown, and how each individual was coping with the challenges those circumstances brought on. The second part features personal essays that further details the subjective experiences of Jungian analysts and therapists worldwide, comprising a collection of reflections on how COVID-19 affected and changed the way analysts work with patients. These reflections focus on the theoretical, clinical, technical, and also practical points of view, including clinical materials on transference and counter-transference considerations. The third part of the book is specular to the second and offers reflections from patients’ perspective on how the pandemic changed their therapies and lockdown affected their experience of therapy. Patients have provided anonymous testimonies through their writing of how they experienced of the change of setting, mindset and related implications.
A comprehensive overview of an important and ongoing conversation, Lockdown Therapy is crucial reading for Jungian analysts and scholars, as well as other clinicians training in analysis, psychotherapy and counselling.
Reviews and Endorsements
"It is a great pleasure for me to acknowledge the excellent work done by the editors and all the contributors to this important book. The pandemic has changed us all and we need tools to understand how. It is my belief that this book will make a lasting contribution to the understanding of how the pandemic changed the Jungian world and how creativity and profound reflectivity could help us all in finding new ways to continue the work. I am sure that the book will be of great value to our Jungian community." - Misser Berg, IAAP President Elect.
About the Editor(s)
Stefano Carpani, M.A., M.Phil., is a psychoanalyst (CGJIZ and IAAP). He is the editor of Breakfast at Küsnacht, The Plural Turn in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies, Anthology of Contemporary Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors and Individuation and Liberty in a Globalized World: Psychosocial Perspectives on Freedom after Freedom
More titles by Stefano Carpani
Monica Luci, PhD, Jungian and relational psychoanalyst (AIPA-IAAP and IARPP), works in private practice in Rome. She is the author, translator, and editor of publications on the themes of trauma, displacement, collective violence, sexuality, and gender, among which the monographs Torture, Psychoanalysis & Human Rights, and Torture Survivors in Analytic Therapy: Jung, Politics and Culture
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