Medical Crises in Eating Disorders

Author(s) : James R. Kirkpatrick

Medical Crises in Eating Disorders

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : October 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 170
  • Category :
    Eating Disorders
  • Catalogue No : 96832
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367512644
  • ISBN 10 : 9780367512

Also by James R. Kirkpatrick

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Medical Crises in Eating Disorders provides medical clinicians as well as others with an acute awareness of the critical and potentially lethal medical outcomes they may have to face when managing those with eating disorders.

This book shares multiple blended patient stories that cover a wide range of medical crises and present a realistic clinical-like experience. The reader will gain insight into the most threatening medical risks described in medical terms and many of the behaviors utilized by those with eating disorders that lead to most of the critical, including lethal, medical risks. Non-eating disorder causes of risk are also discussed throughout the book. Examples of electrocardiogram images, echocardiogram reports, and blood and urine results in addition to hospital chart vital records and excerpts from official coroner’s documents help augment the learning experience.

This innovative book is a necessary reference for those who manage the medial concerns of those with eating disorders, including critical care physicians, internists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and family physicians. As well, psychologists, counselors, dietitians, nurse practitioners and social workers will benefit from an increased awareness of critical medical risks.

Reviews and Endorsements

"The management of eating disorders presents unique challenges to health care professionals, families and sufferers. Having an eating disorder is not a choice and the consequences of these illnesses can be dire. Dr. Kirkpatrick’s book Medical Crises in Eating Disorders uses clinical stories to help simplify and humanize these complex illnesses and serves as an excellent tool to better understand the medical needs of those affected and their families." - Dr. Julia Raudzus, MD, FRCPC, Medical Director, BC Provincial Tertiary Adult Eating Disorders Program, St. Paul's Hospital.

"James R. Kirkpatrick speaks to the eating disorder clinician and encourages us to delve deeper into the myriad of behavioral, psychological, and medical symptoms of our patients. He emphasizes the precariousness of these life-threatening illnesses and the need for crisis prevention." - Esther J. Dechant, MD, Medical Director, Klarman Eating Disorders Center, McLean Hospital and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.

About the Author(s)

James R. Kirkpatrick, MD, has managed the care of adolescents and adults with eating disorders for more than thirty years. He has been a clinical assistant professor at the University of British Columbia, as well as a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders and the World Health Organization’s Global Clinical Network.

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