Meditation for Therapists and Their Clients

Author(s) : C. Alexander Simpkins, Author(s) : Annellen M. Simpkins

Meditation for Therapists and Their Clients

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"Meditation for Therapists and Their Clients" offers an in-depth exploration of what meditation is, how to do it, and how to use it. This book is written for health care professionals to provide new methods that can be added into their patients treatment regime. Therapists will find meditation personally helpful to sharpen clinical acumen and for personal growth. The book also directly addresses the needs of clients, to help them learn these practices and make them their own. Drawing on a range of meditation tools and techniques - and not favouring any one particular approach - this book explains the principles of meditation to therapists, and demonstrates how to utilise these principles in psychotherapeutic work with clients.

About the Author(s)

C. Alexander Simpkins, PhD, and Annellen M. Simpkins , PhD, have extensive training in psychotherapy, meditation, yoga, and Zen. They have clinical, teaching, and research experience using meditation either as the primary method or in conjunction with other forms of therapy. They have written several books on meditation, yoga, psychotherapy, and hypnosis, as well as books on several eastern philosophical traditions.

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