Memory in Dispute

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 1998
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 232
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Trauma and Violence - Catalogue No : 6763
- ISBN 13 : 9781855751224
- ISBN 10 : 1855751224
Also by Valerie Sinason
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'This is a much-needed book - experienced clinicians writing intelligently about one of the most fraught and complex clinical problems facing psychotherapy today. We have patients who are suffering - suffering because of memories of experiences with which they cannot cope, with which nobody should have to cope. This book is aimed at the clinicians working with such individuals. For the most part, it does not attempt to resolve the dispute or to provide an illusion of certainty in a context where none can exist. It is a challenge to all of us to preserve precious doubt in a situation where we are under pressure from our clients, from their relatives, and from the general public to adopt a clear position; however, when clarity can only be achieved through extremism, the price is too high - the sacrifice of individual lives is intolerable. This book contains some excellent chapters, and the editor is to be congratulated on her selection of themes. It is clearly not the final word in the field of recovered memory. It is, nevertheless, an enormously valuable contribution to psychotherapists working within a psychoanalytic framework with an additional impossible dilemma in an already impossible profession.'
- Professor Peter Fonagy, from his Foreward to this book.
About the Editor(s)
Valerie Sinason is a poet, writer, child psychotherapist and adult psychoanalyst. She is Founder Director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies and President of the Institute for Psychotherapy. She is an Honorary Consultant Psychotherapist at the University of Cape Town Child Guidance Clinic and Chair of Trustees of the First People Centre, New Bethesda, South Africa. She is a Patron of Dorset Action on Abuse (DAA), editor of Trauma Dissociation and Multiplicity and co-editor of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy after Child abuse. She has published numerous articles and books, including two poetry collections. Valerie Sinason was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the ISSTD (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) in April 2016.
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 5 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.
Christopher J. Noyes on 24/04/2007
(5 out of 5)
the book is an incredible responose to the false memory movement.
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