Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer

Author(s) : Trish Bartley, Foreword By : John Teasdale

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer

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Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer presents an eight-week course for MBCT which has been tried and tested over ten years of clinical use, and is targeted specifically for people with cancer. There is growing evidence of mindfulness as a successful and cost-effective intervention for reducing the negative psychological impact of cancer and treatment, and this book draws upon the author's experience of working with people with cancer, and her own recent experience of using mindfulness with cancer diagnosis and treatment. Stories from cancer patients illustrate the learning and key themes of the course Includes new short practices and group processes developed by the author.

About the Author(s)

Trish Bartley has taught MBCT to people with cancer in a regional oncology unit in Wales since 2000. She is an Honorary Lecturer in the School of Psychology, Bangor University. She was one of the founding teachers at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, Bangor University, where she co-leads programmes for health professionals, and students on the Masters programme, to train as mindfulness-based teachers. She delivers mindfulness-based training retreats internationally.

John Teasdale, PhD, held a Special Scientific Appointment with the United Kingdom Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, England. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and the Academy of Medical Sciences. Dr. Teasdale collaborated with Mark Williams and Zindel Segal in developing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to prevent relapse and recurrence in major depression; together, they coauthored Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Second Edition (for mental health professionals), as well as the self-help guides The Mindful Way Workbook and (with Jon Kabat-Zinn) The Mindful Way through Depression. He has also published numerous highly cited articles in refereed journals. Since retiring, Dr. Teasdale has taught mindfulness and insight meditation internationally. He continues to explore and seek to understand the wider implications of mindfulness and meditation for enhancing our way of being.

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