Mindscapes: The Psyche in the Landscape

Author(s) : Vittorio Lingiardi

Part of Psychological Issues series - more in this series

Mindscapes: The Psyche in the Landscape

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : April 2025
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 224
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97961
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032181257
  • ISBN 10 : 1032181257

Also by Vittorio Lingiardi

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This book explores the links between the psyche and the landscape—on the continuum that runs from our mental world inside to our surrounding world outside. Our sense of self is shaped by our environment, while it also helps to create the environment we perceive.

Looking to the fields of psychoanalysis, of literature, of art history and of neuro-aesthetics—taking from both Harold Searles and Donald Winnicott, from both Emily Dickinson and Rainer Maria Rilke, from both Claude Monet and Gustav Klimt, from both Semir Zeki and V.S. Ramachandran—author Vittorio Lingiardi urges us to articulate the idea of landscape as a place that we seek all over the world, a place that serves as a psychological scaffolding for, and a reminder of, something that’s already inside us. It is a discovery, but also an invention, a return-to-home. Rivers, mountains, oceans, ancient ruins or small towns: these places inhabit our minds and our dreams, and (like psychic objects) they are embedded in our memory and our unconscious.

This book will appeal to psychoanalysts and therapists of all kinds—and to any reader who wants to understand the deep links between ourselves and our landscape in therapy and in everyday life.

Reviews and Endorsements

In Mindscapes Poet Psychoanalyst Vittorio Lingiardi, a writer of astounding brilliance, erudition, and exuberant inventiveness, guides us on a tour through the seemingly endless worlds of the human mind and the ‘non-human environment’ as they do and do not connect. Be prepared to allow Lingiardi’s reflections to open your psychoanalytic mind to an expanded consciousness of the manifold dimensions of our human meeting with our environmental ‘other.’ Mindscapes gives us a wider, more powerful and com/passionate lens through which to view and to illuminate the complexity of our time.
Jessica Benjamin, psychoanalyst, NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

In this compelling and searching book Vittorio Lingiardi links the many worlds in which we live—from our deeply private internal world to our social life in the real. A fascinating and important book.
Christopher Bollas, psychoanalyst, British Psychoanalytical Society

Mindscapes by Vittorio Lingiardi explores how landscapes reflect our inner selves, drawing from psychoanalysis, neuroscience, literature, and art. An insightful and beautifully written book appealing to nature lovers, emphasizing the importance of external spaces in understanding who we are. A must read.
Vittorio Gallese, neuroscientist, University of Parma, Italy

Vittorio Lingiardi’s Mindscapes is a fascinating and original exploration of the profound link between our inner worlds and the external environment. Drawing on psychoanalysis, literature, art, and neuroscience, Lingiardi argues that landscapes aren't just scenery; they are reflections of our psyche, shaping our memories and dreams.
Amitav Ghosh, novelist and essayist

Vittorio Lingiardi’s Mindscapes: The Psyche in the Landscape is a remarkable book in the range of topics discussed, and perspectives and insights provided into the role that landscapes play in our inner lives. I know of no other book quite like it. Lingiardi brings together, in a dazzling display of erudition, observations on landscapes from the fields of philosophy, poetry, psychoanalysis, aesthetics, neuroscience, urban architecture, political theory, and self as a landscape. One finds phrases and insights in the book that are breath-taking—for example, the view of landscapes as “Eros of the Earth”; and the experience of collecting objects. Lingiardi writes much about poetry and landscapes. Reading his book is itself a poetic experience of the landscape of Lingiardi’s remarkably fertile and creative mind. I strongly recommend it as a mind-expanding experience for the reader.
Morris Eagle, psychoanalyst, New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles

A beautifully written, richly evocative book that is both timely and timeless in its focus on the psychic importance of place, of the external environment and the landscapes we engage with, how they shape us, and live within us. Vittorio Lingiardi compellingly argues that the psyche is in the landscape and the landscape is in the psyche. Seamlessly and deftly drawing on philosophy, psychoanalysis, literature, art, and architecture Lingiardi connects us with the psychic importance of our natural heritage. This is a book that deserves reading and re-reading.
Alessandra Lemma, psychoanalyst, Fellow, British Psychoanalytic Society

Mindscapes explores with exquisite sensitivity our relationship with place, with nature, with context. Writing with rare grace and originality, Vittorio Lingiardi illuminates our mental spaces, giving readers a deep sense of the esthetic and spiritual dimensions of psychoanalytic exploration. Reading this book is like savoring a long and moving poem.
Nancy McWilliams, PhD, ABPP Visiting Professor Emerita, Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology, Rutgers University

Table of Contents

0. Evocation
1. Human flourishing
2. Psychoanalytic spaces
3. Being in the world
4. Pockets full of butterflies
5. Neuro-aesthetic landscapes
6. Face and landscape (“That’s where I’d like to live”)
7. Amor loci
8. Close your eyes and see
9. This landscape is my father
10. Reverberation
11. The Therapists as Gardener
12. Dis-oriented
13. Invisible Landscape
14. Farewell

About the Author(s)

Vittorio Lingiardi is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and full professor at Sapienza University of Rome in Italy. The co-author of the prize-winning Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, he has won numerous other prizes—most recently the prestigious Sigourney Award. He has published several books and he writes regularly for the leading culture magazines in Italy.

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