Mourning Freud

Author(s) : Madelon Sprengnether

Mourning Freud

Book Details

  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Published : February 2018
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 288
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97856
  • ISBN 13 : 9781501327995
  • ISBN 10 : 1501327992
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Mourning Freud analyses Freud's experiences and theories of mourning as the basis for exploring changes in psychoanalytic theories and practices over the course of the 20th century.

The modernist Freud of the early 20th century has ceded to the postmodern Freud of the 21st. Madelon Sprengnether examines this phenomenon from the perspective of Freud's self-analysis in relation to his generation of theory, the challenges and transformations wrought by feminism, cultural studies and postmodernism, and the speculations of contemporary neuroscience concerning the unreliability of memory. She offers a significant interpretation of major biographical episodes in Freud's life, arguing that Freud's inability to mourn the losses of his early life shaped his theories of mourning, which in turn opened the field of pre-oedipal studies to his successors, enabling a host of new psychoanalytic theories such as object relations, intersubjective and countertransference theories, Lacanian analysis, and trauma theory. Many of these approaches converge on the formulation of mourning as critical to the process of ego development. Through this argument, Sprengnether traces the shift from modernism to postmodernism-from an emphasis on mastery to vulnerability, from vertical to horizontal systems of meaning-making, and from what is representable in words to the realm of the nonverbal.

Mourning Freud, by exploring Freud's own struggles with mourning, allows us, in turn, to mourn him-releasing him from frozen idealization while demonstrating the relevance of his work to the 21st century.

Reviews and Endorsements

Mourning Freud is a beautifully written book in which Sprengnether respectfully, intelligently develops penetrating critiques of Freud’s work ― particularly in the areas of pre-Oedipal development, mourning, and female psychology―not for the purpose of dismissing Freud, but for the purpose of revising and extending some of his most pivotal ideas. This is a book that leaves the reader feeling that he or she has not simply listened to a writer in the act of thinking; instead, the reader feels that he or she has had the privilege of taking part in a remarkable conversation.
Thomas Ogden, psychoanalyst and author of Reclaiming Unlived Life: Experiences in Psychoanalysis

Mourning Freud is an important intervention in discussions of psychoanalysis, literature and feminism. The product of a quarter-century of careful and deep thought by a prominent literary and academic figure, it delivers a set of beautifully written analyses of the relationship between psychoanalysis and social issues, mediated through the motif of mourning. In this book, Madelon Sprengnether offers a delicate and immersive experience of rethinking Freudian and post-Freudian theories of intimacy and loss.
Stephen Frosh, Professor of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Table of Contents

Introduction: Insight and Blindness

Biography and Theory
1. Reading Freud's Life
2. Mourning Freud
3. Freud, Irma, and the Dream of Psychoanalysis

4. Undoing Incest
5. Freud as Memoirist
6. Literature and Psychoanalysis

Ghosts and Ancestors
7. Reflections on Melancholia and Mourning


About the Author(s)

Madelon Sprengnether is a poet, memoirist, and literary critic, and Regents Professor Emerita of English at the University of Minnesota, USA. She has published numerous books in the field of feminist, psychoanalytic criticism and theory. In addition to her academic publishing, she is the author of several books of poetry and memoir, the latest of which, titled Great River Road (2015), views the process of memoir writing through the lens of contemporary neuroscience. She also blogs for Psychology Today.

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