Narrative Approaches to Brain Injury

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : November 2013
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Neuroscience - Category 2 :
Trauma and Violence - Catalogue No : 32302
- ISBN 13 : 9781780490441
- ISBN 10 : 1780490445
Also by Stephen Weatherhead
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This book brings together narrative approaches and brain injury rehabilitation, in a manner that fosters an understanding of the natural fit between the two. We live our lives by narratives and stories, and brain injury can affect those narratives at many levels, with far-reaching effects. Understanding held narratives is as important as understanding the functional profile of the injury. This book explores ways to create a space for personal stories to emerge and change, whilst balancing theory with practical application. Despite the emphasis of this book on the compatibility of narrative approaches to supporting people following brain injury, it also illustrates the potential for contributing to significant change in the current narratives of brain injury.
This book takes a philosophically different approach to many current neuro-rehabilitation topics, and has the potential to make a big impact. It also challenges the reader to question their own position, but does so in an engaging manner which makes it difficult to put down.
There is a thread to the internal narrative of the book as a whole. It begins with an exploration of narratives within brain injury broadly, then moves to considering professional interactions with those narratives. Once the context has been set, the authors move to look at focusing clinical work through goal-setting, and thinking about the issues clinicians or therapists might meet, such as trauma, communication difficulties, working with carers, families, and other forms of indirect work. It concludes with a chapter looking at the journey of our work through the process of gathering outcome evidence.
About the Editor(s)
Dr Stephen Weatherhead is a clinical psychologist specialising in brain injury. He co-founded Neuro Family Matters ( in 2010 in order to proved flexible, individualised psychological support to individuals and families. He specialises in The Mental Capacity Act, with a particular emphasis on assessment, multi-agency working, and systemic perspectives. He is a clinical tutor and lecturer in health research with the Lancaster University Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
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Dr David Todd is a clinical psychologist working with individuals and their families after acquired brain injury, and is involved in developing and facilitating rehabilitation programmes in post-acute, community and residential settings. He works therapeutically with people in managing relationships, emotions and cognition as directed by the individual’s personal goals. He is active in contributing practice-based evidence and producing research, and teaches on Leeds University’s Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
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