Navigating the Return-to-Work Experience for New Parents: Maintaining Work-Family Well-Being

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2020
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 160
- Category :
Organisational Psychology - Category 2 :
Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy - Catalogue No : 94918
- ISBN 13 : 9780367223014
- ISBN 10 : 0367223015
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Parenthood can be one of the most fulfilling, life-altering, and life-challenging events. This book is set within the background of the reality of many parents' return-to-work, the task of re-engaging with work and maintaining a career, and the difficulties that parenthood poses for balancing the demands of a new family with the demands of work. It comes to help understand this reality, give voice to new parents, and offer relief in the knowledge that we know a lot about these challenges and, most importantly, how we can start to address them.
The book brings together a number of internationally-recognized experts from research, practice, and policy to explore the issues and offer evidence-based solutions around return-to-work after having children. It takes a balanced approach to theory and practice to cover topics such as equality, stereotypes, work-family conflict, training and development, and workplace culture, among others, whilst integrating research and policy, and illustrating learnings with case studies from parents and examples from countries that lead the way.
It will appeal to parents, researchers, and employers in any economy across the world. Ultimately, it will help develop ways for new parents to re-engage with work successfully while maintaining their work-life well-being.
About the Editor(s)
Maria Karanika-Murray is an Associate Professor in Occupational Health Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University. In her work she brings together different methodologies, disciplines, and stakeholders with the aim to understand the context and develop ways to support work-related health and the Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University. Her work brings together different methodologies, disciplines, and stakeholders, with the aim to understand the context and develop ways to support work-related health and well-being.
Sir Cary L. Cooper is the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the ALLIANCE Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK, President of the CIPD and Co-Chair of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work.
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