Neuro-Disability and Psychotherapy - Volume 2, Issues 1 & 2: A Forum for the Practice and Development of Psychological Therapies for Neurological Conditions

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 176
- Category :
Neuroscience - Category 2 :
Journals & Periodicals - Catalogue No : 35237
Also by Giles Yeates
Also by Gavin Farrell
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Special Double Issue: Accepting, Soothing, and Stilling Cluttered and Critical Minds in Neurological Conditions: Therapeutic Approaches Influenced by Eastern Traditions.
Providing emotional support for people with neurological conditions is confronted by a paradox: in addressing thoughts and feelings that feel distressing and out of control many traditional talking therapies intrinsically demand mental control, the very thing many clients complain they do not have. Clinicians in neurological services are all too aware of the myriad diversity in constellations of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social problems across service users and how they will differentially challenge the traditional models of psychotherapy.
This double issue, the first of the journal's special issues dedicated to a particular topic, presents a range of approaches that step out of the traditional Western psychotherapy mould, to offer new paradigms to address this diversity in service user needs. This issue contains many riches in terms of theory, concepts, and practices. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion-Focused Therapy, Yoga, Martial Arts, Tai Ji and Mindfulness approaches feature via conceptual articles, clinical case studies, and a group evaluation. We hope this diverse clinical theory, evidence and practice is sufficient to equip clinicians from a range of professions in responding to biopsychosocial diversity in neurological services.
Editors’ Column by Giles Yeates and Gavin Farrell
An Exploration of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain in Multiple Sclerosis by Oliver J. Tooze, Anke Karl, Leon Dysch, and David McLaughlin
An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention for a Woman With Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and a History of Childhood Trauma by Sarah Gillanders and David Gillanders
Soothing the Injured Brain with a Compassionate Mind: Building the Case for Compassion Focused Therapy following Acquired Brain Injury by Fiona Ashworth
Facing Degeneration with Compassion on Your Side: Using Compassion Focused Therapy with People with a Diagnosis of a Dementia by Rebecca Poz
The Use of Yoga to Enhance a Compassion Focused Therapy Intervention in a Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Setting for ABI. A Qualitative Case Illustration by Aneesh Shravat
Body In Mind Training: Mindful Movement for the Clinical Setting by Tamara A. Russell and Tiago P. Tatton-Ramos
Mindfulness MBSR/MBCT in a UK Public Health Neurological Service: Depression, Anxiety, and Perceived Stress Outcomes in a Heterogeneous Clinical Sample of Ninety-eight Patients with Neurological or Functional Neurological Disordersby Niels Detert and Laura Douglass
Notes on Contributors
About the Editor(s)
Dr Giles Yeates is principal clinical neuropsychologist and also a couples psychotherapist at the Community Head Injury Service, Aylesbury. His clinical work involves psychological therapy and cognitive rehabilitation with survivors of brain injury in individual and group formats. In addition he works within the family service to provide couples and family sessions, including work with child relatives. Dr Yeates is also an active researcher and author within the areas of social neuroscience, interpersonal relationships, neuropsychoanalysis, social context, psychological therapies and qualitative research following brain injury.
Dr Gavin Farrell is the co-editor of the journal Neuro-Disability & Psychotherapy. He works as a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist in the NHS, in a community neuro-rehabilitation service. He completed Core Training in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) in 2011. His specialist area of interest is in working with medically unexplained neurological symptoms such as psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
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