Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.8 No.2

Editor : Michael Moskowitz, Editor : Anne-Marie Cummins

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Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.8 No.2

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Contents in this issue:

Social Science and Psychoanalysis: Marriage or Infection?

- R.D. Hinshelwood

Organizations in Traumatized Societies: The Israel Case

- Orit Nuttman-Shwartz and Heim Weinberg

Erotic Transference as a Social Defence

- Servaas van Beekum

Diagnosing Organizational Narcissism

- Seth Allcorn

Women in a World of Men: The Transformation of Gender Dynamics through the Recovering of Identities

- Matthieu Daum and Silvia Gollini

'Nothing is Performed in Isolation': The Individual and the Group in Forster's 'A Passage to India'

- Judith Levy

'Perhaps it is the Role of Pictures to Get in Contact with the Uncanny': The Social Photo Matrix as a Method to Promote the Understanding of the Unconscious in Organizations

- Burkhard Sievers

Organizational Framework Supporting Psychotherapy Supervision in Psychotherapy Training Programmes in Sweden

- Marie-Louise Ögren, Siv Boalt Boëthius and Ulrike Olsson Benyamin

Winnicott's Potential Space and Transitional Objects: Implications for the Organizational Change Process and its Previously Defined Relationship to an Organizational Loss of Effectiveness (LOE)

- Victoria M. Grady and James D. Grady

From Organizational Meaning through Splitting to Organizational Meaning through Integration: Healing the Great Divide

- Howard F. Stein

Book Review

Notes for Contributors

About the Editor(s)

Michael Moskowitz PhD is a psychoanalyst and organizational consultant in New York City, an adjunct associate professor in the New York University School of Social Work, and Associate Director of the IPTAR Organizational Consultation and Executive Coaching Program. His past positions include CEO and Publisher, Other Press; Publisher, Jason Aronson; Director of the City University of New York Graduate School and Medical School Counseling Offices; and Team Leader, Operation Outreach Vietnam Veterans Center, New Haven. He is author of articles and chapters on psychoanalytic theory, organizational dynamics, morality, and race and ethnicity; a co-editor of three text books including Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class: Widening the Scope of Psychotherapy; and the co-editor of the journal Organisational and Social Dynamics.

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Anne-Marie Cummins is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Her research interests are the emotional factors which enter into teaching and learning and in particular resistances, both emotional and political, to current educational regimes in Higher Education. She has worked in the Group Relations field for some time and is Award Leader of the Masters in Group Relations at the University of the West of England. Her work is informed by both psychoanalytic and sociological thought and addresses the passions and politics invoked by trying to teach and learn in modern organisational life.

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