Overcoming Stress

Author(s) : Robert Bor, Author(s) : Carina Eriksen, Author(s) : Sara Chaudry

Overcoming Stress

Book Details

  • Publisher : Sheldon Press
  • Published : 2014
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 120
  • Category :
    Popular Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 36041
  • ISBN 13 : 9781847092663
  • ISBN 10 : 1847092667
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Stress is always with us, but a raft of new studies indicates that it has especial significance in today's world. With job and economic uncertainty, and increasing pressure on time, many people face the reality of stress in a very real and everyday way. Fear, insecurity, alcohol and drug dependency, unhealthy working practices, sleep deprivation, disrupted social and family life - these are just some of the challenging psychological consequences. This book looks at sources of stress, and how far these are modifiable without people abandoning themselves or their integrity. Topics include: tried-and-tested methods for assessing stress coping with specific common challenges such as fear and low mood dealing with sleep deprivation alcohol and drug misuse the link with phobias coping with interpersonal problems.

About the Author(s)

Robert Bor is a Director of Dynamic Change Consultants. He is a Chartered Clinical, Counselling and Health Psychologist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. He is also a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and Member of the American Psychological Association and South African Health Professions Council. He has more than 29 years experience consulting in clinical and organisational settings in the UK and abroad, and has published over 30 books and 200 academic papers and chapters in books.

He is a UKCP Registered Family and Couples Therapist having specialised in Systemic Therapy at the Tavistock Clinic London. Rob also practices cognitive behavioural therapy and is an advocate of time limited and solution focused therapeutic approaches. In the NHS, Rob is Lead Clinical Psychologist in Medical Specialties, Infectious Disease Division at the Royal Free Hospital, London. With extensive health care experience, he and his colleagues have developed psychology services in the NHS, GP surgeries as well as in the independent health care sector. He is the Consulting Psychologist to the Leaders in Oncology Care and to the London Clinic, both in Harley Street.

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Dr Carina Eriksen is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with many years experience of the Cabin Crew profession. She holds a BSc Honours in Psychology, a Master's degree in Psychology from London Metropolitan University and a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. Working in the NHS as well as in private practice, she provides therapy to adults, adolescents, children, and families drawing on her speciality within Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Systemic orientations. She also offers psychological support within organisational settings, including stress management and work-life conflict. She is a visiting lecturer on the MSc in Air Transport Management at City University and has worked as a long-haul cabin crew member for a major UK airline for nearly eleven years. Her work has been published in books and scientific journals. She is a Chartered member of the British Psychological Society.

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