Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): 325 Ideas, Insights, Tips and Strategies

Author(s) : Brenda Boyd

Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): 325 Ideas, Insights,  Tips and Strategies

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Adolescence is a difficult stage in anyone's life, but for an adolescent with Asperger Syndrome (AS) the difficulties are inevitably more complex. Based on her own experience of raising a son with AS, and following on from the hugely popular Parenting a Child with Asperger Syndrome, the author lays out practical tips for dealing with issues such as dating, alcohol and drugs, anger and depression, further education, employment and independent living. She encourages parents to evolve and adapt their parenting style to meet the needs of the teen as they develop and change. All the suggestions are designed to foster understanding and acceptance between family members and help the AS teen with common problem areas such as anxiety and self-esteem. This will be a valuable companion for parents, carers and family members of an adolescent or young adult with AS.

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