Personal Development in Counsellor Training: Second Edition

Author(s) : Hazel Johns

Personal Development in Counsellor Training: Second Edition

Book Details

  • Publisher : Sage
  • Published : 2012
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 224
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 32451
  • ISBN 13 : 9780857024978
  • ISBN 10 : 0857024973
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Provides the answers to the important question: what is personal and professional development and why is it necessary for counsellors? Packed full of accounts of personal experiences, questions and points for refection, this book will prove an essential companion for anyone wishing to grow personally and professionally as a therapist. This book provides the answers to that all important question: what is personal and professional development and why is it necessary for counsellors? This new edition explores: - the importance of personal development and the core concepts that underpin it - the aims, commonalities and differences of personal development in different settings - the key differences in theoretical approaches and their implications for personal development - the issue of communication and relationship between counsellors and professional organizations, society, and the virtual world - the trainee and trainer and the challenges of personal development. Packed full of vivid accounts of personal experiences, questions and points for refection, this book will prove an essential companion for anyone wishing to grow personally and professionally as a therapist.

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