Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and the A-rational Mind

Author(s) : Linda A.W. Brakel

Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and the A-rational Mind

Book Details

  • Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Published : 2009
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 208
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 28239
  • ISBN 13 : 9780199551255
  • ISBN 10 : 0199551251
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Psychoanalytic theories have come in and out of favour in the past hundred years. As a central theory behind recent empirically validated treatments such as mentalisation based therapy, there is a newfound interest in considering just what psychoanalysis can offer us in psychiatry and philosophy of mind. "Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and the A-Rational Mind" is an interdisciplinary book with two aims. Firstly, to sharpen psychoanalytic concepts using philosophical tools and make psychoanalytic theory more viable to the academic community. Secondly, it looks to expand philosophy of mind so as to consider serious accounts of the unconscious and non-rational mental material predominant and ever-present in psychoanalytic data. The book explores some basic psychological phenomena - beliefs, desires, phantasies, wishes, and drives - examining a range of fascinating cases, and explaining their significance for both philosophers and psychoanalysts. The book revisits some of Freud's less famous cases (and one of his most famous) while exploring some lesser known phenomena such as akrasia (weakness of will). The book provides a powerful re-appraisal of psychoanalysis and the role it can play in helping us better understand human nature.

About the Author(s)

Linda A.W. Brakel is Associate Professor (Adjunct) of Psychiatry and Research Associate in Philosophy at the University of Michigan. She is also on the faculty of Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute and practices psychoanalysis in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She has authored and co-authored articles on topics ranging from empirical studies testing psychoanalytic concepts to those on the philosophy of mind and action. Her most recent works are three interdisciplinary books: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and the A-Rational Mind, Unconscious Knowing and Other Essays in Psycho-Philosophical Analysis, and The Ontology of Psychology: Questioning Foundations in the Philosophy of Mind.

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