Philosophy, Science, and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Meeting

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : January 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 352
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 33863
- ISBN 13 : 9781780491899
- ISBN 10 : 1780491891
Also by Linda A.W. Brakel
Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and the A-rational Mind
Price £72.00
Also by Vesa Talvitie
Also by Simon Boag
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The perennial interest in psychoanalysis shows no signs of abating and the longevity of psychoanalytic theory is seen in the varied extensions and elaborations of Freudian thinking in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive theory. Nevertheless, the scientific standing of psychoanalysis has long been questioned and developments in the fields of the philosophy of science and psychology require a fresh assessment of the scientific standing of psychoanalysis. While there are a range of views on the topic of whether psychoanalysis is in fact scientific, any satisfactory approach to understanding mind and behaviour requires an approach that is at once both philosophic and scientific. Accordingly, to even approach the question regarding the scientific nature of psychoanalysis, a foundation comprising a sophisticated conceptual and philosophical framework is required.
This volume represents the junction where philosophy, science, and psychoanalysis meet and presents arguments critical and supportive of the scientific standing of psychoanalysis, including debates between Adolf Grünbaum, Edward Erwin, Linda. A. W. Brakel and Vesa Talvitie, as well as fresh approaches from Anna Ursula Dreher, Agnes Petocz, Thomas Wallgren, and Simon Boag. While mainstream psychology is largely dismissive of psychoanalysis, the themes covered within this volume have important implications for science as a whole, including the nature of scientific explanation, philosophy of science, as well as the psychology of science.
About the Editor(s)
Simon Boag is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Macquarie University where he teaches personality theory, research methods and the history and philosophy of psychology. He has published extensively in the area of Freudian repression and unconscious mental processes, philosophy of mind, conceptual research and is the author of Freudian Repression, the Unconscious, and the Dynamics of Inhibition.
Linda A.W. Brakel is Associate Professor (Adjunct) of Psychiatry and Research Associate in Philosophy at the University of Michigan. She is also on the faculty of Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute and practices psychoanalysis in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She has authored and co-authored articles on topics ranging from empirical studies testing psychoanalytic concepts to those on the philosophy of mind and action. Her most recent works are three interdisciplinary books: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and the A-Rational Mind, Unconscious Knowing and Other Essays in Psycho-Philosophical Analysis, and The Ontology of Psychology: Questioning Foundations in the Philosophy of Mind.
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Vesa Talvitie is a Doctor of Psychology, licensed psychotherapist, organisational consultant (FINOD) and currently works as an occupational psychologist for the City of Helsinki. In addition to numerous articles on psychoanalysis in Finnish and English, he is the author of Freudian Unconscious and Cognitive Neuroscience: From Unconscious Fantasies to Neural Algorithms and The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Theories: Project for a Scientific Enough Psychoanalysis.
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