Potential Not Pathology: Helping Your Clients Transform Using Ericksonian Psychotherapy
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : September 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 152
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 35285
- ISBN 13 : 9781782201403
- ISBN 10 : 1782201408
Also by Paul J. Leslie
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This book is designed to assist counsellors who would like to use and understand the psychotherapeutic strategies of Milton Erickson but often find it confusing, intimidating or unrealistic. Using colourful case studies and stories told in everyday language, this work will educate and help professionals in being able to understand how to adapt and apply creative and resourceful therapy interventions based on the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy. It will also assist clinicians and therapists in easily implementing the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy into their work in order to energise and revitalise their therapy sessions. Subjects explored include client resistance and client potential, the role of imagination and playfulness in the therapeutic work, and the healing possibilities hidden within stories and metaphors.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘Paul J. Leslie has written a delightful introduction to some of the core concepts of an Ericksonian approach to therapy. Well-illustrated with cases stories from both Milton Erickson and the author’s own extensive experience as a psychotherapist, Leslie makes Erickson’s approach accessible to a broad spectrum of practitioners. We celebrate Leslie’s inspiring and down-to-earth contribution to fostering a resource-focused, Ericksonian approach to helping people transform.’
— Hillary Keeney, PhD, and Bradford Keeney, PhD, authors of Circular Therapeutics: Giving Therapy a Healing Heart and Creative Therapeutic Technique: Skills for the Art of Bringing Forth Change
‘There have been three great waves that have swept through psychotherapy. The first was oriented to the past, what was wrong with people, and the therapist as the expert who diagnosed and treated the illness. The second was more present-oriented, here and now, but still focused on problems and the therapists’ expert diagnosis of the pathology. The third wave, mostly initiated by Carl Rogers and Milton Erickson, moved away from pathology to potential, resources, and possibilities. This wave was present- to future-oriented. Paul J. Leslie has written a practical, fun book firmly based in this third-wave sensibility. You will likely come away from this book feeling hopeful and energised, having learned a great deal about being a more effective therapist.’
— Bill O’Hanlon, author of Do One Thing Different and Change 101
About the Author(s)
Dr. Paul J. Leslie is a psychotherapist, researcher, trainer, and author in Aiken, South Carolina. He specialises in resource-directed approaches to working with individuals and families. Paul is a licensed therapist in the states of Georgia and South Carolina, and a National Board Certified Fellow in Hypnotherapy. He has a doctorate in Counseling Psychology and is presently the coordinator of the psychology program at Aiken Technical College. He has authored eight books including Transforming Themes: Creative Perspectives on Therapeutic Interaction and Potential not Pathology: Helping Your Clients Transform Using Ericksonian Psychotherapy. Paul is a popular trainer of mental health professionals in the areas of solution-based therapies, Ericksonian hypnosis, and creative therapy applications.
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