Psycho/Analytic Psychotherapy Trainings: A Guide

Author(s) : Richard Morgan-Jones, Author(s) : Jan Abram

Psycho/Analytic Psychotherapy Trainings: A Guide

Book Details

  • Publisher : Free Association Books
  • Published : January 2001
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 12094
  • ISBN 13 : 9781853435379
  • ISBN 10 : 1853435376
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This title explores the evolutionary history of training in psychotherapy, the institutions they came from, and the main ideas that supported them. It also explores the professionalization of psychotherapy and provides detailed information about each training.

The world of psychotherapy training has changed dramatically since the first edition of this guide. There have been major organizational changes stimulated partly by the prospect of statutory registration for psychotherapists, resulting in pressure for unity of standards, ethics and a common voice amongst the umbrella organizations. But there have also been moves towards new organizations that express the standards, values and commitment of particular aspects of the work of psychotherapy. This is illustrated by the creation of the British Confederation of Psychotherapy (BCP), and in the proliferation of courses, each geared to a particular approach, method or patient group.

This much-expanded second edition includes all the organizations central to psycho/analytic work, including the Jungian trainings in analytical psychology and Jungian psychotherapy, and the child, group and couple trainings and all trainings inspired by psychoanalysis (Freudian) and analytical psychology (Jungian). Among the 48 trainings from 36 institutions are included trainings from the BCP and the three sections of the UKCP that include training in psycho/analytic psychotherapy. The guide is not only designed for those interested in training to become a psychotherapist; it will provide a focus for debate about the history of the field, the issue of registration, and where and how psycho/analytic work can be practiced. It is also designed to celebrate the huge contribution made by trainers in this complex field towards developing its reach and effectiveness.

About the Author(s)

Richard Morgan-Jones is an organisational consultant and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist with a practice in Eastbourne, UK. He directs Work Force Health: Consulting and Research. His original education was at Cambridge, Oxford and Exeter Universities in Anthropology, Theology and Education. He worked at the National Institute for Social Work in London 1980-1992 as a consultant and trainer where he developed a course in consulting skills.

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Jan Abram is a training and supervising analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society in private practice in London. She is the author of The Language of Winnicott (awarded Outstanding Academic Book of the Year; 2nd edition 2007) and editor of Donald Winnicott Today (nominee for a Gradiva Award, 2013). She is currently visiting professor University College London. Her forthcoming book is a collection of her clinical papers, The Surviving Object.

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