Psychoanalysis After Freud: Memory, Mourning and Repetition

Author(s) : Judy Gammelgaard

Psychoanalysis After Freud: Memory, Mourning and Repetition

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Also by Judy Gammelgaard

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This book draws on a number of Freud's lesser-known works to explore psychoanalytic perspectives on memory, mourning and repetition.

It is remarkable that Freud in his speculations on the human psyche often took his point of departure in an insignificant detail. It might be a lapse of memory or a detail in a piece of art. From here he uncovered the many layers of the psyche, its complex structure and the processing of meaning right to the limit of understanding. At this point Freuds exploration encountered the unknown, an internal outland as difficult to acknowledge as the external reality. Freud did not invent the unconscious but he demonstrated how it works. The unconscious according to Freud does not exist, but insists on making itself visible. The eleven essays in this book draw a picture of the critical humanistic thinking so characteristic of Freud. His concepts and suppositions were the result of many years' speculations, based on observation, experience and ideas, and although they are marked by the time and culture from which they emerged, they demonstrate a revolutionary knowledge of the psyche transcending the knowledge of his time. In her reading of the chosen texts the author has chosen the position of a contemporary interpretation.

Examining how psychoanalytic work on the topics of memory, mourning and repetition has changed since Freud and how these themes remain of crucial importance in contemporary psychoanalytic theory, this book intersperses theory with clinical practice. It will be of great interest to training and practicing psychoanalysts, as well as scholars of art, literature and sociology.

About the Author(s)

Judy Gammelgaard is a training analyst, member of the Danish Psychoanalytic Society and of the International Psychoanalytical Association. She is Professor and head of the Centre of Psychoanalysis at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen and lectures widely throughout Scandinavia.

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