Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era

Editor : Alessandra Lemma, Editor : Luigi Caparrotta

Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : January 2013
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 168
  • Category :
    Culture and Psychoanalysis
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 34618
  • ISBN 13 : 9780415656726
  • ISBN 10 : 0415656729
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By now the internet and other forms of virtual communication have been in place for at least twenty years. However, surprisingly little has been written about the use of new technologies in the psychoanalytical literature. As such, Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era is a timely exposition on the subject of both virtual and analytic space. Bringing together the work of several psychoanalysts, the Editors Alessandra Lemma and Luigi Caparrotta illustrate how new technologies have become an integral part of our everyday lives and how they have silently and subtly permeated the psychoanalytic setting. The contributors explore how new technologies have affected psychoanalytic practice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Psychoanalysis in the Technoculture Era unravels some of the meanings of virtual world terms, and opens this field to greater scrutiny, stimulating and promoting discussion about new technologies in psychoanalytic practice. This book will be of interest to the psychoanalytic community including psychotherapy professionals, psychoanalysts, post graduate, graduate and undergraduate students.

Reviews and Endorsements

'This book launches the first serious discussion of clinical psychoanalysis in a global community that now uses advanced forms of communication that necessarily alter some aspects of practice when analysts conduct an analysis in cyberspace. The authors have differing views, concentrate on separate aspects of this challenge, and this important text will serve as the embarkation point for a debate that will continue for a very long time.'
- Christopher Bollas, PhD

About the Editor(s)

Alessandra Lemma is the Unit Director, Psychological Therapies Development Unit, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and the Clinical Director of the Psychological Interventions Research Centre, University College London. She is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society. She is Visiting Professor, Psychoanalysis Unit, University College London, and Honorary Professor of Psychological Therapies at Essex University. She is the Regional Editor (London) of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and General Editor of the New Library of Psychoanalysis book series (Routledge). She has published several books and papers on psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, the body, and trauma. Alessandra Lemma is also a Winner of the Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis.

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Dr Luigi Caparrotta is an Associate Specialist in Psychotherapy, based at the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.

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