Psychoanalytic and Buddhist Reflections on Gentleness: Sensitivity Fear and the Drive Towards Truth

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2019
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 170
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 94216
- ISBN 13 : 9781138371194
- ISBN 10 : 9781138371
Also by Michal Barnea-Astrog
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Inspired by Buddhist teachings and psychoanalytic thought, this book explores gentleness as a way of being and a developmental achievement. It offers reflections on the unique position of "gentle people", as well as certain gentle layers of the psyche in general, as they meet the world. Examining the perceptual-sensory-conscious discrepancy that often exists between a gentle person and their surroundings, it follows the intricate relationship between sensitivity and fear, the need for self-holding, and the possibility of letting go. Incorporating theoretical investigation, clinical vignettes, and personal contemplation, the book looks into those states of mind and qualities of attention that may compose a favorable environment, internal and interpersonal, where gentleness can be delicately held. There, it is suggested, gentleness may gradually shed the fragility, confusion, and destructiveness that often get entangled with it, and serve as a valuable recourse. Offering a unique perspective on a topic rarely discussed, the book has broad appeal for both students and practitioners of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, as well as Buddhist practitioners and scholars.
About the Author(s)
Michal Barnea-Astrog, PhD, is a researcher in the field of psychoanalysis and Buddhism, a senior Hakomi trainer, and therapist in private practice. She studied the Refined Hakomi Method in the UK, and is the founder and head of the Three-Year Hakomi Training in Israel. She teaches at the East Asian Studies Department at Tel Aviv University, and is a dedicated Vipassana meditator. Michal teaches courses and seminars focusing on the concepts of projection, projective identification, transference, karma, and conditioned arising. She discusses the relations between our basic tendency to crave pleasure and reject pain, our sense of self, the way we perceive reality, and the ways in which we generate and distribute suffering. In her work as trainer and therapist, she explores the effects of the therapist’s state of mind on his or her perception of the client, and the effect of the state of mind of both therapist and client on the inter-personal environment and on the therapeutic process.
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