Psychoanalytic Group Therapy

Book Details
- Publisher : Jason Aronson
- Published : 1994
- Cover : Hardback
- Category :
Group Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 2219
- ISBN 13 : 9781568211190
- ISBN 10 : 1568211198
Also by Karl Koenig
The Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy
Price £75.00
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Karl Konig and Wulf-Volker Lindner have distilled their many years of research, rich clinical experience, and extensive theoretical knowledge of analytic group psychotherapy. Now, for the first time in English, they present their Gottingen model of group therapy, a welcome addition to the literature that greatly extends our understanding of the complex processes of groups and their ability to promote growth and healing. Informed by Freudian, Foulkesian, and object relations approaches to individual and group analytic therapy, Konig and Lindner's extensive theoretical understanding of groups and individuals is saturated with a flexible common sense that moves comfortably between theory and practical application. They are at their best in explaining the transition between the therapist's essential human experience and his role in the group when they discuss such matters as the understanding of neutrality as a dynamic concept, the situations that trigger transference, and the functioning of the therapist as a model of openness. It is the transitional areas and forces that are the most in focus for the authors: those between individual and group, between group and therapist, between inside and outside, and between the learning of the therapist and the growth of group members. It is a testament to the authors' skill that they are able to explore these areas at the same time as they outline practical approaches to a full range of topics that need to be considered in the conduct of group therapy.
About the Author(s)
Prof. Karl König, MD, studied medicine at Heidelberg, where he became a medical doctor in 1957 and worked for several years in the Heidelberg Institute of Physiology. In Hamburg University he trained as an internist, and in Göttingen as a psychoanalyst. From 1971 to 1981 he directed the psychotherapy department for adults in a state hospital concentrating on neuroses, borderline conditions, and psychosomatic disturbances. At the medical school of Göttingen University he was then appointed director of a department concentrating on clinical group psychotherapy and couples therapy. More recently, his scientific work has addressed anxiety syndromes and problems of technique in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. He has written or co-authored thirty-one books, which have been translated into several languages. He was president of the Göttingen psychoanalytic institute and vice president of the German Psychoanalytic Society, and is a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association.
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