Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World

Editor : Halina Brunning, Editor : Mario Perini

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World

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Also by Halina Brunning

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'This is a much needed book, giving a readable, insightful and constructive perspective on many of today's societal, political and economic ailments. It is my fervent hope that it finds a large readership in the leadership echelons of our society. Whoever reads it will have difficulty putting it down as, the content is gripping.'

- Anton Obholzer, psychoanalyst and organisational consultant, formerly director, Tavistock Centre London

'At a time when our world badly needs thinking that takes us out of our conventional boxes, these papers bravely and thoughtfully offer new perspectives on key problems. The authors gathered together in this important volume show how terrorism, war, financial crisis, and corporate irresponsibility gain much of their intractable power by drawing on unconscious motives and working through unseen mechanisms. They also help us to understand the extraordinary demands placed on our leaders.

- Ken Eisold, former President, ISPSO; founding faculty and former Director, Organization Program, The William Alanson White Institute; award winning author of What You Dont Know You Know

Reviews and Endorsements

'This impressive book should convince even the most hardened sceptic that psychoanalysis is not dead! It clearly demonstrates that it is alive, fresh and relevant to the most challenging problems facing the world today. This book shows that systems-psychodynamic thinking, in the hands of leading academics and practitioners in our field, can be applied to situations of war and conflict, including terrorism; institutions in crisis, including the world financial crisis; and to changing ways of approaching leadership, power and authority. Both breathtaking insights and unexpected and creative ways of intervening are revealed throughout.'
- Clare Huffington, organisational consultant and executive coach, President of The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO)

'In the line of Freud's Civilization and its Discontents, this book is a remarkable attempt to apply psychoanalytic knowledge to the external reality, a task which is far from being easy. Here, the
quality of the various chapters and authors gathered by Halina Brunning and Mario Perini help throw an original and meaningful light on key, and sometimes dramatic, aspects of our present society. One of the merits of this book, and not the least, is the authors' ability to articulate psychoanalysis with other social sciences.'
- Gilles Amado, Professor of Organisational Sociopsychology at HEC School of Management, Paris, a founding member of ISPSO and a member of the French Society for Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy (SFPPG)

'In a world marked by political violence and economic chaos this book offers a sustained, imaginative and critical challenge to rationalist models of understanding and intervention. Global in its range of authors and case studies, Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World reaffirms the continued relevance of psychoanalysis to the understanding of social, political and economic life today.'
- Paul Hoggett, Professor of Politics, Director of the Centre for Psycho-Social Studies, University of the West of England, Bristol

About the Editor(s)

Halina Brunning is a chartered clinical psychologist, freelance organisational consultant, and executive coach. Halina has published extensively on clinical and organisational issues, has edited several books for Karnac, including Executive Coaching: Systems-Psychodynamic Perspective (2006). She conceived the idea of a trilogy of books which examined the contemporary world through a psychoanalytic lens: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World (2010), Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World (2012), and Psychoanalytic Essays on Power and Vulnerability (2014). This approach continued in her latest books co-written with Olya Khaleelee: Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics (2021) and The Covid Trail: Psychodynamic Explorations (2023), published by Phoenix Publishing House (now Karnac). Halina is a member of OPUS: An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society and the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO).

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Mario Perini MD, chair of Il Nodo group and scientific advisor for Italian Group Relations Conferences Programme (""Seminari di Arona""), is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, a member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Association, International Psychoanalytic Association, and International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. He works as a consultant in the public, private, and voluntary sectors, a trainer for professional and management education, a group supervisor, and in private practice as a psychotherapist and personal coach. Professor of group dynamics at the Post-Graduate School of Health Psychology, Turin University, in 2007 he published the book L'organizzazione nascosta (""The hidden organization"").

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