Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 32: Lacanian Politics and the Impasses of Democracy Today

Book Details
- Publisher : London Society of the New Lacanian School (NLS)
- Published : 2018
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 184
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 93451
Also by Roger Litten
Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.30
Price £15.00
Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.31: Brief Encounters
Price £15.00
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Editorial, Bogdan Wolf
Orthodoxy and Heresy
Jacques-Alain Miller, Heretics
Domenico Cosenza, The Heretic and the Orthodox
Francesca Biagi-Chai, Choice and Its Logic in Civilisation
Laurent Dupont, Adolescent Heretics: Boy or Girl, The Hour of Choice
Paola Bolgiani, Letter to the Italian School of Psychoanalysis
The Foreigner and the Politics of Hatred
Lilia Mahjoub, Fear of the Other: Discourse or Segregation
Gil Caroz, Fear of the Stranger
Roger Litten, Hate Thy Neighbour
Agnès Aflalo, Ordinary Anti-Semitism
Anaëlle Lebovits-Quenehen, If the Migrants Still Look at Us…
Bogdan Wolf, Hatred as a Passion
Social Bond and Segregations
Éric Laurent, New Incarnations of the Desire for Democracy in Europe
Alfio Mastropaolo, Resolute Desires: For Democracy or for Something Else?
Christiane Alberti, There Is Nothing but the Social Bond
Stéphanie Morel, Why the Poor Vote for the Right
Philippe De Georges, On the One and the Multiple: The Republic Is Not Empire
Antoinette Rouvroy, Governing Without Norms: Algorithmic Governmentality
The Lures and Logic of Democracy
Gil Caroz, Why Does Politics Need to Be Enlightened by Psychoanalysis Today?
Bogdan Wolf, Brexit Democracy and Heresy
Roger Litten, Capitalist Democracy
Ellie Ragland, Jacques Lacan's Capitalist Discourse
Janet Haney, Reading the Riot Acts
Decided Desires for Democracy
Éric Laurent, Decided Desires and Joyful Passions in Democracy
Poetry Rubric, Paul Ingram
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