Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 36: Formation of the Analyst

Book Details
- Publisher : London Society of the New Lacanian School (NLS)
- Published : December 2020
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 116
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Bargain and Discounted Titles - Catalogue No : 95497
- ISBN 13 : 9781916157637
- ISBN 10 : 1916157637
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How does one become a psychoanalyst in the Lacanian Orientation? A "must read" issue for anyone interested in this important topic. Far from training programmes which after x number of years, lead to a title ratified by supposed masters of knowledge, "training analysts" and external standards, the principle permeating the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis is that of always working to become an analyst.
Analysis, Supervision and the Cartel are the three pillars of analytic formation and the authors of the texts in this issue testify to their importance. Something is terminable and something is interminable; finite and infinite.
Why is personal experience of analysis essential to becoming an analyst? What is the trajectory of an analysis? What happens after the end of analysis? Why is supervision necessary? What do Analysts of the School teach us? What is the contribution of the Lacanian orientation to civilization and its discontents? These are some of the key questions that the present issue explores.
Laurent Dupont: "Formation of the Analyst, the End of Analysis"
Bruno de Halleux: "The Rhinoceros and the Desire of the Analyst"
Patricia Tassara: "Supervision"
Patricia Tassara: "From Dreams to Body Event"
Florencia F.C. Shanahan: "Present"
Véronique Voruz: "Bodies Captured by Discourse"
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