Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.23: Our Orientation

Book Details
- Publisher : London Society of the New Lacanian School (NLS)
- Published : 2011
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 164
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 32737
Also by Natalie Wulfing
Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.22: Lacanian Practice
Price £15.00
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Jacques-Alain Miller - At the Coliseum
Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna - The true anorexia of a young girl
Alfredo Zenoni - When the child is the object
Marie-Hélène Blancard - The uncanny incontestably falls under the imaginary
Martine Coussot - The ringing of the object
Anna Pigkou - Melite’s pantomime
Jo Rostron - Missing something
Philippe Grisar - Dis-connection: treatment of an 11-year-old boy
Jacques-Alain Miller - Mental health and public order
Oscar Ventura - Without nostalgia
Jean-Louis Gault - Hypermodern civilisation and contemporary symptom
Clotilde Leguil - Lacanian uses of ontology
Philip Dravers - The drive as a fundamental concept of psychoanalysis
Roger Litten - Evaluation - a contemporary form of the social bond?
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