Psychodynamic Art Therapy Practice with People on the Autistic Spectrum

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2013
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 168
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Category 2 :
Expressive Arts Therapies - Catalogue No : 34942
- ISBN 13 : 9780415523943
- ISBN 10 : 9780415523
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Psychodynamic Art Therapy Practice with People on the Autistic Spectrum offers a valuable counterbalance to the phenomenological, cognitive and behavioural theories that currently prevail in the wider field of practice and research. The result of a decade of work by a group of highly experienced art therapists, this book presents eight frank and compelling accounts of art therapy with either adults or children with autism, supported by a discussion of the relevant theory.
The book begins with an overview of the theoretical context and the subsequent chapters give varied accounts of practitioners' experiences structured in a loose developmental arc, reflecting issues that may arise in different settings and at various stages of therapy. Each is followed by an afterword which describes the author's reflections in the light of their subsequent knowledge and experience. The conclusion brings together some of the common threads arising from their encounters and considers how these might be relevant to current and continuing art therapy practice in the field of autism.
Psychodynamic Art Therapy Practice with People on the Autistic Spectrum is a thoughtful consideration of where art therapy meets autism and the particular challenges that arise in the encounter between the autistic client and the therapist. Presenting honest reflections arising from lived encounters and highlighting general principles and experiences, this book aims to orient other practitioners who work with people on the autistic spectrum, in particular art therapists and art therapy trainees.
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