Psychodynamic Coaching and Supervision for Executives: An Entrepreneur and a Psychoanalyst in Dialogue

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : September 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 149
- Category :
Coaching - Category 2 :
Organisational Psychology - Catalogue No : 95879
- ISBN 13 : 9780367770709
- ISBN 10 : 9780367770
Also by Andreas Hamburger
Also by Thomas Kretschmar
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Thomas Kretschmar and Andreas Hamburger provide an important overview of psychodynamic work in companies, presenting different viewpoints and explaining key psychoanalytic terms and techniques for coaching and supervision. Written in the form of a dialog between Kretschmar, an entrepreneur, and Hamburger, a psychoanalyst, the book provides unique insight into psychodynamic coaching and supervision.
Psychodynamic Coaching and Supervision for Executives begins with an overview of coaching, psychodynamic approaches, the unconscious and relevant psychoanalytic theory. Kretschmar and Hamburger then consider Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) in business, assess current research into coaching and supervision and present a selection of key case studies. At the end of each chapter, the authors compare their positions, giving important contextual information, exploring objections, complications and improvements, and providing a precise summary of the topic.
This book will be an illuminating guide for therapists and professionals who wish to learn how psychoanalytic theory and practice can be used for coaching, counseling and supervision in an organizational context.
About the Author(s)
Thomas Kretschmar is the managing director of Mind Institute SE Berlin, where he uses inner pictures and the imagination to treat patients and coaching clients. He is also a researcher and trainer in the field of imaginative interventions. Prior to this, Thomas worked as a founder and CEO of the SDAX company Hypoport, a professor for organisational studies, and as business consultant with a psychological focus. He has training in several psychological intervention methods and is licensed for psychotherapy in Germany. Thomas studied business administration in Gottingen and psychology with a psychoanalytic focus in Berlin.
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Andreas Hamburger psychoanalyst (DPG/IPA), and training analyst (DPG, DGPT), is professor of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin. He is author, editor, and co-editor of numerous books, book series, and a journal on his main research topics: psychoanalytic supervision, film psychoanalysis, social trauma. Recent English books are Hamburger, Hancheva, & Volkan (Eds.), Social Trauma – An Interdisciplinary Textbook (Springer, 2020); Pramataroff-Hamburger & Hamburger (Eds.), From La Strada to The Hours – Suffering and Sovereign Women in the Movies (Springer, 2024); Hamburger, Film Psychoanalysis – Relational Approaches to Film Interpretation (Routledge, 2024).
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