Psychodynamic Supervision Theory and Practices: In a New Key

Author(s) : Roy E. Barsness

Psychodynamic Supervision Theory and Practices: In a New Key

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : December 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 156
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97903
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032871653
  • ISBN 10 : 1032871652
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This book sets out a new model for psychodynamic supervision, designed around relational psychoanalytic theory and practice. It emphasizes the development of the self of the therapist and working directly with the emergent therapeutic relationship.

Building on Barsness’s seminal Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis text, this book is grounded in those theoretical competencies. The author offers what he calls the MAMAL method of supervision - (M-Muse; A-Affect; M-Metabolization; A-Articulation and L-Learning) a method that privileges (1) affect over cognition, (2) the use of the therapist’s subjectivity as the primary portal to the patient’s internal and interpersonal world, (3) the immersion of the supervisor’s subjectivity in the supervisory process, and (4) viewing the patient as a muse rather than an object of assessment. The MAMAL method approach enriches the supervisory experience and enhances the therapeutic process, fostering a therapeutic climate where both therapist and patient can thrive. It is attention to our own humanity and woundedness that facilitates a deep connection to our patients and animates the progression of the therapeutic process and is at the core of this supervision model.

Drawing on clinical experience, this book is grounded in research and is a readable resource for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, mental health professionals, providing a clear guide to a relational model of supervision and a concise understanding of relational theory and practice.

Reviews and Endorsements

Here is what graduates of the Certificate Program in Relational Psychoanalysis at the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute are saying about their experience with the MAMAL method…

Working with the MAMAL method for case consultation both as a supervisor and a supervisee has revitalized my work as a psychotherapist. The upside-down approach of tending to affect first has been like finding a hidden door into the depths of relational work that was missing from traditional supervisory approaches. Attention to affect and the unconscious, collaborative authority, relentless curiosity and emotional risking are the portals into not only deepening my work with clients, but also are growing myself as a person.
Mandy Casurella, Seattle, WA

Learning and practicing this approach has changed the way I work in a way that feels more alive, engaging and deeply beneficial to my patients. Dr. Barsness’ efforts to scaffold the supervision endeavor in this way is both practical and creative, structured, and endlessly flexible as I learn to use my own humanity in my work with other humans.
Cristine Ramsdale, Seattle, WA

I am so deeply grateful that I found this model of supervision early in my career. It requires me as a therapist to acknowledge my own subjectivity and the fact that it is always active in the room as I work with my patients. I haven't stopped practicing this model since I began four years ago, and I can't imagine doing this sort of work without it now.
Joe Hall, Seattle, WA

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Barsness takes us on a revolutionary journey through the world of supervision and consultation. As a psychologist with two decades of experience, I found his method to be transformative, leading to increased self-awareness and enriched patient care. I found myself invigorated and enlightened by Barsness' innovative approach, discovering new depths within myself, leading to greater authenticity and openness both personally and professionally. This book not only offers practical techniques but also inspires a profound shift in perspective, ultimately enriching the therapeutic process for both practitioners and patients alike. Highly recommended for practitioners seeking personal and professional growth.
Jeremy Morris, Seattle, WA

With five years of work in the MAMAL method of consultation, I now use this model for my training clinic for all clinicians because of its impact on my own clinical work and mind. I find that the model has given us space to move towards a richer, more honest dialogue with one another as clinicians, and more wholehearted authenticity with our clients. Most impactful - for me in my own life, my work as a clinician, and in my therapeutic community at our clinic - is that I have found the model has helped me to hide less, and in that, feel far less alone in my world.
Jeremy Dew, Seattle, WA

Table of Contents

1. So What’s New?
2. Theoretical Foundations of Relational Psychodynamic Therapy
3. Core Competencies (Disciplines) in Relational Psychoanalysis: A Summary
4. The Essential I: the Presence and the Subjectivity of the therapist
5. the MAMAL Method

About the Author(s)

Roy E. Barsness is the Founder and Executive Director of the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute. He has served as Academic Dean and Professor at The Seattle School of Theology, and Psychology, Professor and Clinical Director at Seattle Pacific University and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington, School of Psychiatry.

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