Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and Other Essays in Re-Vision

Author(s) : Peter L. Rudnytsky

Part of The History of Psychoanalysis series - more in this series

Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and Other Essays in Re-Vision

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2011
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 216
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 29363
  • ISBN 13 : 9781855758735
  • ISBN 10 : 1855758733
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In his latest groundbreaking book, Peter L. Rudnytsky examines the history of psychoanalysis from a resolutely independent perspective. At once spellbinding case histories and meticulously crafted gems of scholarship, Rudnytsky's essays are "re-visions" in that each sheds fresh light on its subject but they are also avowedly "revisionist" in their scepticism towards all forms of psychoanalytic orthodoxy. Beginning with a judicious reappraisal of Freud and ranging in scope from King Lear to contemporary neuroscience, Rudnytsky treats in depth the lives and work of Ferenczi, Jung, Stekel, Winnicott, Coltart, and Little, each of whom sought to "rescue psychoanalysis" by summoning it to live up to its highest ideals.

Reviews and Endorsements

Why has psychoanalysis, beginning with Freud, so often betrayed its own ideals? Who has represented the best in psychoanalysis by refusing to place undue deference to authority - or loyalty to a movement - above the search for truth and concern for the welfare of patients? What are the connections between an analyst's life and work? How can a reconciliation of its claims to be both an art and a science help to ensure the future of psychoanalysis? These are the questions that inspire Gradiva Award winner Peter L. Rudnytsky's latest groundbreaking book. At once spellbinding case histories and meticulously crafted gems of scholarship, Rudnytsky's essays are re-visions in that each sheds fresh light on its subject, but they are also avowedly revisionist in their skepticism toward all forms of psychoanalytic orthodoxy. The result is a synthesis that brilliantly illuminates the history - and essence - of psychoanalysis from a resolutely independent perspective.

'Peter Rudnytsky is one of the best - if not the best - scholars in our field today.'
- Rosemary H. Balsam, Western New England Institute of Psychoanalysis

'Peter Rudnytsky writes with an incomparable blend of academic erudition, narrative mastery, and passionate engagement. If you are honest enough to regret what psychoanalysis has too often been, but have not lost hope for what it might yet become, you have been looking for this book.'
- Carlo Bonomi, Harry Stack Sullivan Institute of Psychoanalysis, Florence

- An Independent Perspective on the History of Psychoanalysis
- Inventing Freud
- "Infantile Thoughts": Reading Ferenczi's Clinical Diary as a Commentary on Freud's Relationship to Minna Bernays
- Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud: The Common Project of Stekel, Jung, and Ferenczi
- In Praise of Nina Coltart
- Rethinking King Lear: From Incestuous Fantasy to Primitive Anxieties
- The Bridge across Clifton Road: Emory University and the Future of Psychoanalytic Studies

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