Rewriting the Rules: An Anti Self-Help Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships

Author(s) : Meg-John Barker

Rewriting the Rules: An Anti Self-Help Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships

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Also by Meg-John Barker

The Psychology of Sex

The Psychology of Sex

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We live in a time of uncertainty about relationships. We search for The One but find ourselves staying single because nobody measures up. We long for a happily-ever-after but break-up after break-up leave us bruised and confused. Rewriting the Rules: An Anti Self-Help Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships is a friendly guide through the complicated - and often contradictory - advice that's given about sex and gender, monogamy and conflict, break-up and commitment. It asks questions about the rules of love, such as which to choose from all the rules on offer? Do we stick to the old rules we learnt growing up, or do we try something new and risk being out on our own? And what about the times when the rules we love by seem to make things worse, rather than better? This new edition, updated throughout, considers how the rules are being 'rewritten' in various ways - for example in monogamish and polyamorous relationships, different ways of understanding sex and gender, and new ideas for managing commitment and break-up where economics, communities, or child-care make complete separation impossible. This book considers how the rules are being `rewritten' in various ways, giving you the power to find an approach that best fits your situation.

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