Sex Addiction: The Partners' Perspective: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Surviving Sex Addiction for Partners and Those Who Want to Help Them

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2015
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 192
- Category :
Family, Couple and Systemic Therapy - Category 2 :
Addictions - Catalogue No : 37731
- ISBN 13 : 9781138776524
- ISBN 10 : 1138776521
Also by Paula Hall
Sex Addiction
Price £27.99
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Sex and pornography addiction are growing problems that devastate the lives of partners as well as sufferers. Sex Addiction: A Partners' Perspective has been written to help partners and those who care about them to survive the shock of discovering their partner is a sex addict and to help them make decisions about the future of their relationships and their lives. First and foremost, it is a practical book, full of facts, and self help exercises to give partners a much needed sense of stability and control.
Like its sister book, Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction, it includes case examples and survey results revealing the reality of life for partners of sex addicts. Sex Addiction: A Partners' Perspective is divided into three parts. Part I explores the myths surrounding sex addiction and provides up to date information about what sex addiction is and what causes it before moving on to explain why the discovery hurts partners so much. Part II is about partners' needs and includes self-help exercises and strategies to help partners regain stability, rebuild self-esteem and consider their future. The controversial topic of co-dependency is also explored with guidance on how to identify it, avoid it and overcome it. Part III focuses on the couple relationship starting with the difficult decision of whether to stay or leave. Whatever the decision, partners will then find help and support for rebuilding trust and reclaiming their sexuality.
This book has been written to help partners not only survive, but to grow stronger and move on with their lives - whether alone, or in their relationship. Readers will find revealing statistics and real life stories shared by partners who kindly took part in the first UK survey of sex addiction partners. Not only will this book be a valuable guide for partners, but also for the therapists who seek to support them on their journey of recovery.
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