Sitting on a Suitcase: Psychoanalytic Stories

Book Details
- Publisher : Karnac Books
- Published : March 2025
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 270
- Category :
Organisational Psychology - Category 2 :
Forthcoming - Catalogue No : 98043
- ISBN 13 : 9781800133105
- ISBN 10 : 1800133103
Also by Halina Brunning
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A powerful, multifaceted collection of accounts of what it means to be Jewish; to live under the shadow of anti-Semitism and unspoken threat of emigration. This diverse, minority community is marked by a long history of trauma and persecution. These intensely personal stories will resonate with so many and leave behind a legacy for us all to read.
Sitting on a Suitcase: Psychoanalytic Stories contains eighteen moving tales of disparate Jewish lives from Eliat Aram, Leslie B. Brissett, Louisa Diana Brunner, Halina Brunning, Leila Djemal, Shmuel Erlich, Mira Erlich-Ginor, Franca Fubini, Stan Gold, Larry Hirschhorn, Susan Kahn, Alicia E. Kaufmann, Olya Khaleelee, James Krantz, Vega Zagier Roberts, Edward R. Shapiro, Mannie Sher, and Marlene Spero. The book begins with a thought-provoking preface from former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and ends with a sensitive epilogue from Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, both providing societal containment for what comes between them. The contents also include two non-Jewish German writers, Claudia Nagel and Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing, who between them provide a bravely honest introduction and conclusions to the stories contained within. Also contained within the book are black and white photographs of the contributors’ young selves that provide an additional evocative layer to the words contained within. Plus four black and white line drawings to illustrate each of the four parts of the book: Orthodox beginnings, Sitting on the boundary: Marginality and belonging, Emigration and identity, and Will history repeat itself?
This was not an easy book for its authors to write, revisiting the past unlocked painful memories and re-awoke fears of persecution. The manuscript was nearing completion when Hamas launched the October 7, 2023 attack on Israeli soil and the war in Gaza followed. Incidents of anti-Semitism increased worldwide and questions were raised whether the book should be held back. However, its themes became more relevant than ever and these stories need to be read. Themes such as issues around having a voice, or finding a voice during formative years; finding a family through friends; a sense of not belonging because of constant relocation, or finding a sense of belonging through family and friends. Aspects of life that resonate with us all alongside the deeper theme of the impact of Jewish identity on every facet of life.
This is a book full of emotion and meaning that needs to be read by all with an interest in humanity and fostering connection and understanding across nations.
Table of Contents
Rowan Williams
Halina Brunning and Olya Khaleelee
Introduction: I did not know
Claudia Nagel
Part I: Orthodox beginnings
1. On being: Hated and loved
Susan Kahn
2. My father’s tears
James Krantz
3. Roots and migration, belonging and identity fragments
Shmuel Erlich
4. The Talmud and beyond
Larry Hirschhorn
Part II: Sitting on the boundary: Marginality and belonging
5. Breaking the silence: Finding my words and group of belonging
Marlene Spero
6. Outsider insider
Vega Zagier Roberts
7. Assimilation and emancipation—a “lived experience”
Louisa Diana Brunner
8. Displaced: A Jew in the diaspora
Stan Gold
9. What’s in the suitcase? A tale of three (or four) countries
Eliat Aram
Part III: Emigration and identity
10. Written in stone, moving like water
Leslie B. Brissett
11. How Eros won over Thanatos
Halina Brunning
12. Rising from the ashes
Olya Khaleelee
13. The attic and the cellar
Franca Fubini
14. Discovering identity: Reflections on an American life
Edward R. Shapiro
15. The risk of being oneself: Will history repeat itself?
Alicia E. Kaufmann
Part IV: Will history repeat itself?
16. I have no other country
Mira Erlich-Ginor
17. My literal suitcase and my suitcase-in-the-mind
Mannie Sher
18. Fragments from elsewhere: Finding a voice in the babel of tongues
Leila Djemal
Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
About the Editor(s)
Halina Brunning is a chartered clinical psychologist, freelance organisational consultant, and executive coach. Halina has published extensively on clinical and organisational issues, has edited several books for Karnac, including Executive Coaching: Systems-Psychodynamic Perspective (2006). She conceived the idea of a trilogy of books which examined the contemporary world through a psychoanalytic lens: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World (2010), Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World (2012), and Psychoanalytic Essays on Power and Vulnerability (2014). This approach continued in her latest books co-written with Olya Khaleelee: Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics (2021) and The Covid Trail: Psychodynamic Explorations (2023), published by Phoenix Publishing House (now Karnac). Halina is a member of OPUS: An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society and the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO).
More titles by Halina Brunning
Olya Khaleelee is a corporate psychologist and organisational consultant with a particular interest in leadership, and organisational transition and transformation. She is the chairwoman of a charity—OPUS: An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society—which promotes development of the reflective citizen. She is a professional partner of the Tavistock Institute and was the first female director of the Leicester Conference on the theme of “Authority, Leadership and Organisation”. Olya has published extensively in the areas of leadership and system psychodynamics in organisations, and beyond, into society. She has co-authored two books with Halina Brunning, the first entitled: Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics, published in 2021, and in 2023, they co-edited a second book entitled The Covid Trail: Psychodynamic Explorations, both published by Phoenix, now Karnac.
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