Solution Focused Coaching for Adolescents: Overcoming Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : May 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 206
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Coaching - Catalogue No : 95634
- ISBN 13 : 9780367747237
- ISBN 10 : 9780367747
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Solution Focused Coaching for Adolescents explains the principles and attitude of the popular 11-step, Mission Possible, Solution Focused Coaching program for working with adolescents.
By comparing the Mission Possible principles with the 'normal' way of problem-solving in coaching scenarios, the author makes the theoretical structure and conversational style of the program easy to learn for professionals. Applied both individually and as a group activity, Mission Possible is a learning experience that makes fulfilling dreams and achieving goals easier for teenagers and young adults. It helps to make difficult things accessible for them by using one's own strengths and resources. The book is filled with detailed case studies and useful coaching tools, breaking the program down into five themes, outlining the goals, the process, and any potential pitfalls.
This practical book is intended for coaches, youth counselors, trainers, teachers, mentors, and therapists who want to coach young people using the clear step-by-step Mission Possible-program, and all those working in pastoral roles with children and adolescents.
Reviews and Endorsements
"Caroline Beumer is a remarkable therapist. She possesses a natural talent for working with adolescents, getting them to talk and work to improve their life. In this book she manages to share her secrets with the reader, illustrating her ideas with one charming case story after another. Read this book to find out how to ensure that your work with teenagers is fun, rewarding, and effective." - Ben Furman (FI), psychiatrist, author, renowned international keynote speaker, and expert on Solution Focused therapy, team development, systemic thinking, and personal growth; inventor of the Kids'Skills method.
About the Author(s)
Caroline Beumer-Peeters is an artist, published author, coach, trainer, and therapist. She is the managing director of BrandNewWay, a small impactful training institute in the Netherlands, which organizes training programs for professional educators, youth care workers, and supervisors based on a Solution Focused approach.
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