Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space

Editor : Agata Bielinska, Editor : Adam Lipszyc

Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : March 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 232
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 97620
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032565774
  • ISBN 10 : 1032565772
RRP : £29.99
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Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space explores the immense potential of psychoanalytic thought to questions of spatiality.

The international contributors combine the symbolic, the corporeal, the libidinal and the affective aspects of human experience, using psychoanalysis to reveal numerous facets and aspects of spatiality which remain invisible or blurred from other points of view. The focus moves from readings of the very physical space of the analyst’s consulting room and spatiality of the analytic situation through philosophical analyses of spatiality of the body, subjectivity, love and materiality, to specific applications of psychoanalytic insights in a wide variety of fields from architecture to economics.

Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space will be of interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training as well as scholars of psychoanalytic theory, cultural theory, literary theory, psychology, urban studies, space studies and philosophy.

Reviews and Endorsements

A rigorous and comprehensive exploration of the many manifestations of space in and of psychoanalysis...Pushes the boundaries of psychoanalytic geographies by ushering in exciting new voices and perspectives from Argentina, France, Germany, Italy, and Poland.
Paul Kingsbury, Professor of Geography and Associate Dean, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Table of Contents

Introduction: Spacing Psychoanalysis
Agata Bielińska and Adam Lipszyc

1. The Space of the Consulting Room
Cosimo Schinaia

2. Liminal Experiencing in the Psychoanalytic Field
Steven Jaron

3. Libidinal Spacing: Three Freudian Theses on Erogenous Zones
Thomas Dojan

4. The Dark Space of the Sleeping Body: The Syncretic Space of Dreams and the Unconscious
Santiago Souriges

5. Locked Bodies, Locked Selves: Freud, Nancy, Jelinek
Adam Lipszyc

6. Love in the Outer Space: On the Spatiality of Being Together
Agata Bielińska

7. Subject’s Position and Subject’s Space: A Variation on a Lacanian Theme
Andrzej Leder

8. Spacetimeunconscious
Anna J. Secor

9. Spatial Disorientation: Psychoanalysis, Labyrinth and Architectural Representations
Gabriela Świtek

10. Place and Psychoanalysis: Building a Bridge between Heidegger and Aristotle
Tomasz Drzazgowski

11. “There Are No Empty Rooms”: Toward Literary Psychotopographies
Antoni Zając

12. Three Membranes of Delusion: Schreber, Malebranche and the Financial Market
Marta Olesik

About the Editor(s)

Agata Bielińska is a PhD student at the Graduate School of Social Research affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. Her research interests include contemporary philosophy of the subject and the philosophical implications of psychoanalytic theory. She is co-editor of the journal wunderBlock: Psychoanalysis and Philosophy and contributor to the Center for Psychoanalytic Thought.

Adam Lipszyc is the head of the Center for Psychoanalytic Thought in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, Poland. He teaches at the Graduate School for Social Research and at the Franz Kafka University of Muri.

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