Storr's The Art of Psychotherapy: Third Edition
Book Details
- Publisher : Hodder Arnold
- Published : 2012
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 256
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 33861
- ISBN 13 : 9781444144109
- ISBN 10 : 9781444144
Also by Jeremy Holmes
Also by Anthony Storr
Music and the Mind
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Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus
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Sensitively updated and revised for modern practice, Anthony Storr’s legendary work continues to be an indispensible introductory text for aspiring psychotherapists.Professor Jeremy Holmes, a friend and colleague of Anthony Storr’s and himself a leading psychotherapist, has updated this accessible and humane account of the practice of psychotherapy to include:
• integrative psychotherapeutic approaches
• revised classification of personality types
• new sections on selection and assessment
• consideration of evidence-based psychodynamic practice
• broadened appeal to the full range of mental health professionals
Retaining Anthony Storr’s wisdom, vision and classic approach, whilst bringing the text totally up to date, this will be a cornerstone volume for beginner and experienced psychotherapist alike. It will also appeal to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, nurses, social workers, counsellors and other mental health professionals.
About the Author(s)
Anthony Storr is a distinguished British psychiatrist who has published on a wide range of topics in psychology and psychotherapy.
Professor Jeremy Holmes, MD FRCPsych, was for twenty-five years an NHS Consultant Psychiatrist in London and North Devon. Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter, he co-founded the Exeter masters, now doctoral, programme in psychoanalytic studies, and the psychodynamic professional qualification course. Author or co-author of over twenty books and 250 papers, he lectures nationally and internationally. Now largely retired, he maintains a part-time private psychotherapy practice alongside grandparenting, allotment gardening, and Green politics.
Customer Reviews
Our customers have given this title an average rating of 3 out of 5 from 1 review(s), add your own review for this title.
susanne stevens on 11/12/2015 17:57:50
(3 out of 5)
Anthony Storr wrote during the days when therapy and labelling and technical jargon was less prevalent and the writing style was less constrained by the modern academic style - it was less of a text book than the - which gave a humane approach to therapy and an introduction to psychology to thousands of readers.
Some will enjoy the approach taken by Jeremy Holmes, some will find it surprising that an original author's book can be used to overlay and add content, without the consent of the original author. That is after his death when obviously there can be no mutual agreement. Any analysis cannot fail to see aspects of the 'son' wishing to overtake the 'father' here! There is a surprising statement made by J.H which many would find dubious in a therapy encounter - that is that he sees patients/clients as his surrogate children - the impact of that attitude on practice needs more explanation.
Also in a version which substantially changes Anthony Storr's original book, it would have been possible to include a chapter from the clients' point of view. That was not so considered in Storr's day. Those of us who so admired Anthony Storr would prefer to have seen his book used as a springboard by J. Holmes for another book perhaps. Others would probably find this an interesting introduction to therapy.