Systems-Centered Training: An Illustrated Guide for Applying a Theory of Living Human Systems

Author(s) : Yvonne M. Agazarian, Author(s) : Susan P. Gantt, Author(s) : Frances B. Carter

Systems-Centered Training: An Illustrated Guide for Applying a Theory of Living Human Systems

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : December 2020
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 246
  • Category :
    Group Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 95461
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367649241
  • ISBN 10 : 9780367649
RRP : £32.99
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This illustrated book shows how "thinking" systems offer new ways of seeing people which can help us see and do things differently. The authors describe how a theory of living human systems was developed and even recently revised. This major revision led to a theory of the person-as-a-system and its role-systems map that helps us see which system in us and in others is running the show.

The authors illustrate how life force energy fuels the hierarchy of living human systems and how theory and practice with role-systems can be useful in everyday life. They begin with describing how they have used the new illustrations as a map to locate the contexts of our roles. Using this map has also enabled the authors to identify the role-systems and explore the territory of ourselves and our groups in new ways that deepened our understanding of roles and role locks.

This book illustrates systems-centered therapy and training (SCT) theory by offering a practical theory to guide group psychotherapists, leaders and consultants in working with group dynamics.

Reviews and Endorsements

"A must read for all group therapists and anyone working with groups. Building on decades of scholarship and experience, this book is a triumph in theory and practice. It provides a penetrating guide and practical insights with extraordinary clarity and unparalleled depth into understanding and working with all dimensions of group life." - Francis Kaklauskas, Psy.D., CGP, FAGPA, Naropa University, University of Colorado, & Saybrook University.

"Reading this book was a deeply personal experience for me: opening to their idea of "seeing one's role in context rather than taking it just personally" and its useful ramifications for all of us who work with individuals, couples, families, groups or organizations. Helpful for both journeyman and senior practitioners, this compelling book discusses their wide range of system ideas integrating contemporary neuroscience, social science, psychology, and medicine." - Joshua M. Gross, Ph.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA, FAAGP, Director of Group Programs, Florida State University.

"Yvonne never tired of trying to clarify and simplify her theory in order to make it as widely accessible as it deserves to be. Here is her final effort, aided and abetted by two of her closest collaborators. A great resource!" - Ken Eisold, Ph.D., President, The William Alanson White Institute.

"The authors have illustrated their work with creative images (perhaps inspired by Kurt Lewin's influence) so that theory comes alive and is a true pleasure to read. Their new concept of the "person-as-a-system" completes a Theory of Living Human Systems (TLHS) and widens its applications. Beyond the theory, this is a handbook which can be used by practitioners for many years to come." - Christer Sandahl, Professor of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Past president of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP).

About the Author(s)

Yvonne M. Agazarian, Ed.D., FAGPA, FAPA, CGP, developed a theory of living human systems and its systems-centered practice. She has authored or co-authored six books and in 1997 she received the Group Psychologist of the Year award from the American Psychological Association, with the following citation: 'She exemplifies the finest in scholarship in the discipline of psychology...Her considerable body of work illustrates the highest blend of creativity and learning.'

More titles by Yvonne M. Agazarian

Susan P. Gantt, Ph.D., ABPP, CGP, is a psychologist and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Emory University School of Medicine where she coordinates group psychotherapy training. She is the Director of the Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute and co-author of the books Autobiography of a Theory and SCT in Action with Yvonne Agazarian. She was recently awarded the Alonso Award for Excellence in Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy by the Group Psychotherapy Foundation for her work with Paul Cox on the special issue of the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy on 'Neurobiology and Interpersonal Systems: Groups, Couples and Beyond.'

More titles by Susan P. Gantt

Frances B. Carter, MSW, is a founding member of SCTRI, co-directs the SCTRI Training and Resource Center, leads SCT training in the US and Europe. She brings her early background as an artist to all her work.

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