Tales from the Therapy Room: Shrink-wrapped

Author(s) : Phil Lapworth

Tales from the Therapy Room: Shrink-wrapped

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These ten fictional short stories give students of counselling and psychotherapy a unique insight into what actually goes on in therapy. Exploring aspects of the client-therapist relationship, the reader is given a fly-on-the-wall view of the therapeutic process. Rather than suggesting a 'correct' approach, they explore possibilities and provide entertaining, vivid and thought-provoking descriptions of the therapeutic journey. Issues explored include: - contracting - boundaries and confrontation - self-disclosure on the part of the therapist - dream interpretation - the influence of the consulting room environment - conflicting belief systems. These are much more than just engaging stories - Phil Lapworth draws on over 25 years of clinical experience to show how the student can integrate theory into real practice with real clients. The final chapter explicitly highlights the specific theories, models and issues that are illustrated throughout and provides questions, learning objectives, exercises and further reading to encourage critical thinking. A door into the often-hidden perspective of what a therapist might think and feel within the therapy session, this 'shrink-wrapped' resource will be treasured by counselling and psychotherapy trainees and practitioners for years to come.

About the Author(s)

Phil Lapworth is a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice near Bath. During his thirty years in clinical practice he has written extensively in the field of humanistic and integrative psychotherapy, including, with colleagues, several text books on various approaches to psychotherapy. In recent years he has turned to writing about therapy via fiction, seeing short stories as a particularly useful medium for reflection, challenge and entertainment for both practitioners and laypeople alike. Added to which, he very much enjoys writing them.

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