The Alchemy of Addiction: Carl Jung, the Enneagram, and Contemplative Wisdom Traditions

Author(s) : Stephen J. Costello

The Alchemy of Addiction: Carl Jung, the Enneagram, and Contemplative Wisdom Traditions

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : August 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 154
  • Category :
    Jung and Analytical Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 97808
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032727776
  • ISBN 10 : 1032727772

Also by Stephen J. Costello

RRP : £29.99
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Within this important book, Stephen J. Costello draws on Eastern philosophy, Western psychology, and wisdom traditions to offer an interpretation and answer to the multidimensional problem of addiction.

The nature of pleasure, pain, and attachment are discussed, together with stress as a key source of our suffering. Justifying and grounding the work is C. G. Jung’s central insight that the solution to our disordered desires lies in cultivating a spiritual approach to life. As such, a detailed exploration of the Twelve Steps of recovery is elucidated from the threefold perspective of the philosophy of Advaita, the Enneagram system, and the Christian contemplations of Richard Rohr, John Main, and Thomas Keating, as well as St Ignatius of Loyola. The work concludes with a brief look at Platonic ethics, especially the virtue of temperance, St Benedict’s spirituality of humility, and the law of dharma as a blueprint for purposeful non-addicted living.

This book will appeal to a wide variety of readers such as mental health professionals in the counselling and psychotherapy professions, as well as students of depth psychology and philosophy.

Reviews and Endorsements

Dr Costello offers to addiction studies what Ken Wilber brought to human knowledge. His book integrates the profound teachings and wisdom of Buddhism, Hinduism, Western and Eastern philosophies, as well as the vast body of psychological and psychiatric knowledge related to addiction. In this groundbreaking work, he elucidates the pressing need to include “spirituality” as an essential component in the treatment of all addiction, ranging from alcoholism to pornography. Drawing from his extensive experience as a trained analyst, Dr Costello provides profound insights into the complex nature of addiction. He courageously challenges the prevailing approach, highlighting the pitfalls of prescribing drugs to combat primary chemical dependencies and the psychotherapeutic futility of searching for non-existent childhood causes. Instead, he convincingly shows that a spiritual solution is paramount in addressing the multifaceted problem of addiction. Not only will this enthralling book captivate those struggling with addiction, but it will also resonate with individuals concerned about their loved ones. With its potential to transform the fields of medicine, psychology, and psychotherapy, this enlightening masterpiece deserves to be required reading for all aspiring medical professionals. Brilliant, inspiring, and deeply nourishing to the soul, this page-turner offers solace and guidance, serving as a timeless resource for those seeking genuine understanding and growth.
Dr Ian Mc Cabe, PhD, PsyD, LLM is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Child and Adult Jungian Analyst, and the author of Carl Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous

Table of Contents

1. Aspects of Addiction
2. Signs of Stress
3. Spiritual Symbols
4. Carl Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous
5. The Philosophy of Advaita
6.The Twelve Steps of Recovery
7. The Hero’s Journey
8. Methods of Meditation
9. Enneagram Applications
10. An Ignatian Interlude
11. Platonic Ethics, St. Benedict, and the Law of Dharma Postscript

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