The Complete Works of W.R. Bion

Author(s) : Wilfred R. Bion, Editor : Chris Mawson, Editor : Francesca Bion

The Complete Works of W.R. Bion

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : October 2014
  • Cover : Hardback
  • Pages : 4352
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 27801
  • ISBN 13 : 9781855756038
  • ISBN 10 : 185575603X

Also by Wilfred R. Bion



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The Complete Works of W. R. Bion is now available in a coherent and corrected format. Comprising sixteen volumes this edition has been brought together and edited by Chris Mawson with the assistance of Francesca Bion. Incorporating many corrections to previously published works, it also features previously unpublished papers. Including a general index and editorial introductions to all the works, these volumes will be a useful and valuable aid to psychoanalytic scholars and clinicians, and all those interested in studying and making use of Bion's thinking.

Bion's writings, including the previously unpublished papers and additions to his Cogitations, collected together in the Complete Works, show that the clinical thrust of Bion's work has clear lines of continuity with that of Melanie Klein, just as her work has an essential continuity with the later work of Freud. In Bion's clinical work and supervision the goal remains insightful understanding of psychic reality through a disciplined experiencing of the transference and countertransference; the setting and the method - however much Bion's terminology might suggest otherwise - remains rigorously psychoanalytic.

Volume I

The Long Weekend: 1897-1919 (Part of a Life)

Volume II

All My Sins Remembered: Another part of a Life

The Other Side of Genius: Family Letters

Volume III

War Memoirs 1917-1919

Volume IV

The 'War of Nerves' (1940)

On Groups (1943)

The Leaderless Group Project (1946)

Psychiatry at a Time of Crisis (1948)

Group Methods of Treatment (1948)

Language and the Schizophrenic (1955)

Experiences in Groups and Other Papers (1961)

Learning from Experience (1962)

Volume V

Elements of Psycho-Analysis (1963)

Taming Wild Thoughts (I): The Grid (1963)

Transformations: Change from Learning to Growth (1965)

Volume VI

Memory and Desire (1965)

Catastrophic Change (1966)

Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis (1967)

Notes on Memory and Desire (1967)

Attention and Interpretation: A Scientific Approach to Insight in Psycho-Analysis and Groups (1970)

Book Reviews (1966)

Volume VII

Brazilian Lectures:

1973 Sao Paulo Lectures

1974 Sao Paulo Lectures

1974 Rio de Janeiro Lectures

Volume VIII

Clinical Seminars:

Brasilia 1975

Contributions to Panel Discussions:

Brasilia, a New Experience (1975)

Sao Paulo (1978)

Bion in New York and Sao Paulo:New York (1977)

Sao Paulo (Ten talks) (1978)

Volume IX

The Tavistock Seminars (June 1976 - March 1979)

The Italian Seminars (1977)

A Paris Seminar (July 1978)

Volume X

Two Papers:

The Grid (1971)

Caesura (1975)

Four Discussions (1976)

Four Papers:

Emotional Turbulence (1976)

On a Quotation from Freud (1976)

Evidence (1976)

Making the Best of a Bad Job (1979)

Interview with Anthony Banet Jnr (1976)

Taming Wild Thoughts (II): Untitled (1977)

Volume XI


Review of Cogitations, by Andre Green

Volume XII

A Memoir of the Future: Book 1

Volume XIII

A Memoir of the Future: Book 2

Volume XIV

A Memoir of the Future: Book 3 (with expanded Key)

Volume XV

Unpublished papers:

The Conception of Man (1961)

Penetrating Silence (1976)

New and Improved (1977)

Further Cogitations (1968-1969)

Appendix A: The Days of Our Lives (1994), by Francesca Bion

Appendix B: 'Catastrophic Change' and 'Container and Contained Transformed': a comparison, by Chris Mawson

Appendix C: Standardized Bibliography of Bion's Works, compiled by Harry Karnac

Volume XVI


General Index

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About the Author(s)

Wilfred R. Bion (1897 -1979) was born in India and first came to England at the age of eight to receive his schooling. During the First World War he served in France as a tank commander and was awarded the DSO and the Legion of Honour. After reading history at Queen's College, Oxford, he studied medicine at University College London, before a growing interest in psychoanalysis led him to undergo training analysis with John Rickman and, later, Melanie Klein. During the 1940s his attention was directed to the study of group processes. Abandoning his work in this field in favor of psychoanalytic practice, he subsequently rose to the position of Director of the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis (1956-62) and President of the British Psychoanalytical Society (1962-65). From 1968 he worked in Los Angeles, returning to England two months before his death in 1979.

A pioneer in group dynamics, he was associated with the 'Tavistock group', the group of pioneering psychologists that founded the Tavistock Institute in 1946 on the basis of their shared wartime experiences. He later wrote the influential Experiences in Groups, an important guide for the group psychotherapy and encounter group movements beginning in the 1960s, and which quickly became a touchstone work for applications of group theory in a wide variety of fields. Bion's training included an analysis with Melanie Klein following World War II. He was a leading member in the Kleinian school while in London, but his theories, which were always based in the phenomena of the analytic encounter, eventually revealed radical departures from both Kleinian and Freudian theory. While Bion is most well known outside of the psychoanalytic community for his work on group dynamics, the psychoanalytic conversation that explores his work is concerned with his theory of thinking and his model of the development of a capacity for thought.

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Chris Mawson is a training and supervising analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society and works in private practice as a psychoanalyst.

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Francesca Bion is the widow of Wilfred R. Bion, and the original editor of many of his published works.

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