The Emptiness of Oedipus: Identification and Non-Identification in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2012
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 224
- Category :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 31220
- ISBN 13 : 9780415608299
- ISBN 10 : 0415608295
Also by Raul Moncayo
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Lacan's seminar on identification marks a turning point from the early to the later years of his work. In this book Raul Moncayo builds on many of the concepts that Lacan developed in his seminar, focusing on the relationship between the unary trait and narcissism that occurs via ruling ideas, master signifiers, and the objet a as a part object and a partial form of identification. Moncayo advances Lacanian psychoanalysis not only for its scholarly value, but also for its bearing on the clinical practice of psychoanalysis today.
The question of Oedipus as a myth of Freud is the touchstone from which Lacan proposed to go beyond Freud and beyond the rock of castration.The Emptiness of Oedipus examines how the interpretation of Oedipus as a myth or dream, rather than a complex, provides a new way of understanding the end of analysis as the end of the identification with the analyst. The concept is proposed as Lacans postmodern or poststructuralist turn and as a fourth moment of Oedipus that is organized around the lack or emptiness of the Other.
The Emptiness of Oedipus offers a fresh approach to Lacanian psychoanalysis and will appeal to analysts and psychotherapists as well as academics and postgraduates with an interest in Lacan.
About the Author(s)
Raul Moncayo is supervising analyst, founding member, and faculty of the San Francisco Bay Area Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (LSP). He has a private practice of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, supervision, and consultation. He is visiting professor and adjunct faculty both in the US and other countries. Dr Moncayo is former director of training for a large psychiatric clinic for the City of San Francisco, and the author of five books and multiple papers published in professional journals.
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