The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change

Author(s) : Ruella Frank, Author(s) : Frances La Barre

The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change

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The movement repertoire that develops in the first year of life is a language in itself and conveys desires, intentions, and emotions. This early life in motion serves as the roots of ongoing nonverbal interaction and later verbal expression - in short, this language remains a key element in communication throughout life. In their path-breaking book, gestalt therapist Ruella Frank and psychoanalyst Frances La Barre give readers the tools to see and understand the logic of this nonverbal realm. They demonstrate how observations of fundamental movement interactions between babies and parents cue us to co constructed experiences that underlie psychological development. Numerous clinical vignettes and detailed case studies show how movement observation opens the door to understanding problems that develop in infancy and also those that appear in the continuing nonverbal dimension of adult communication. Their user-friendly nonverbal lexicon - foundational movement analysis - enhances perception of emerging interactive patterns of parents and their babies, couples, and individual adults within psychotherapy. Clinicians in any setting will find this book to be a masterful application of infant research and movement theory that significantly augments clinical acumen and promotes greater understanding of the nonverbal basis of all relationships.

About the Author(s)

Ruella Frank brings many years of experience to her work as a gestalt psychotherapist: professional dancer/choreographer, yoga practitioner, student of various movement theories, and student of Laura Perls, co-founder of gestalt therapy. Founder and director of the Center for Somatic Studies, Dr. Frank is faculty at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, asjunct faculty at Gestalt Institute of Toronto. She teaches throughout the United States, Europe, Eurasia, Mexico, South America, and Canada. She has written articles and book chapters, authored Body of Awareness: A Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy, co-authored The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development and Psychotherapeutic Change.

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